Other Documentation Improvements
FlexNet Manager Suite version 2019 R1
The following have been added to or changed in the online help and associated PDF files:
- The inventory beacon shares ManageSoftREA$, mgsREA$, ManageSoftRET$, and mgsRET$ have been added to the online help under .
- The list of standard Oracle users that do not consume license entitlements has been extended in the Oracle chapter of the FlexNet Manager Suite System Reference PDF.
- In the same chapter, the topics under Troubleshooting Agent-Based Collection of Oracle Inventory have been completely rewritten for more logical use, with several inaccuracies corrected. (Similar topics for troubleshooting other forms of Oracle inventory collection are scheduled for rework for future releases.)
- Help for blacklisted serial numbers on inventory devices is revised.
- A new first chapter has been incorporated in the Gathering FlexNet Inventory PDF, drilling down into the differences between data sources and what information may be missing from one or other source.
- Documentation for various adapters and connectors has begun a process of
rationalization and expansion. Stage 1 is collecting together all content related to
inventory adapters and connectors in one volume, and similarly collecting together
content related to business adapters:
- The previous FlexNet Manager Suite Adapters Reference is renamed to FlexNet Manager Suite Inventory Adapters and Connectors Reference, or Adapters and Connectors for short!
- Supported version for XenApp and the XenApp Agent have been updated in Adapters and Connectors.
- Three parts have been added by moving sections across from the System Reference to Adapters and Connectors: Managing Microsoft Office 365 Licenses, Salesforce Subscription Management, and The Inventory Adapter Studio. This collects content focused on using or making inventory adapters into one reference.
- In parallel, the previous Using FlexNet Business Importer is renamed to Using FlexNet Business Adapters. All the previous content on the Business Importer remains, and has now been united with The Business Adapter Studio, moved across from the System Reference.