Flexera Data Models

FlexNet Manager Suite 2020 R1 (On-Premises)

FlexNet Manager Suite includes Flexera Analytics, a technology that enables you to create reports and to customize dashboards, either for your enterprise or for personal use. You can build and/or customize reports and dashboards using data contained in the Flexera data models.

To help you use this data when customizing dashboards, widgets, and reports, Flexera Analytics provides two data models that organize your asset-management data and define how the data relates to each another. Within the data models, folders organize and structure the data into subject-area categories. Each folder in the subject area contains two types of data: measures and attributes. Measures represent numbers and facts, and attributes represent categories of descriptive data.

The two data models are:

Note: It is recommended that you use data from one data model or the other when creating widgets and dashboards. You need to keep this in mind and plan ahead before you begin to create a dashboard.
Figure: Flexera data models

Flexera Analytics user interface to Flexera data models

Relational model

The relational model organizes data using measures and attributes but uses a flat structure. There is no ability to drill up or drill down on units of data to see how other data relates to them. There are also some attributes and measures that are specific to the relational model, such as the Inventory subject area.
Figure: Relational model

Flexera Analytics user interface to relational data model

Dimensional model

The dimensional model organizes data using measures and attributes but uses a hierarchy structure that enables you to drill up and drill down to see how data relates to other functionality.
Figure: Dimensional model

Flexera Analytics user interface to Relational data model

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2020 R1