PaymentScheduleDetail Table

FlexNet Manager Suite 2020 R1 (On-Premises)

PaymentScheduleDetail lists all individual periods of a payment schedule.

Note: To cater for multi-tenant mode, this table may contain data for multiple tenants. Access requires that the database TenantID has been set in the SQL Server connection context information. That setting filters an underlying table to produce this view of data for the single, selected tenant.
Table 1. Database columns for PaymentScheduleDetail table

Database Column



Type: integer. Key. Generated ID

Uniquely identifies this payment schedule period.


Type: integer. Key

Identifies the payment schedule to which this period applies. Foreign key to the PaymentSchedule table.


Type: text (max 50 characters)

A string describing the period to which this payment schedule period is applicable. This is a calculated field.


Type: datetime. Key

The date on which this payment schedule period starts.


Type: datetime

The date on which this payment schedule period ends.


Type: datetime. Key. Nullable

The date on which this payment is due.

PaymentScheduleDetail PaymentStatusID

Type: integer. Key

Identifies the state type of this payment schedule.The default value 2 corresponds to an Incomplete status. Foreign key to the PaymentScheduleDetailPaymentStatus table.


Type: datetime. Nullable

Records the date the payment was made.


Type: currency. Nullable

The actual amount paid in this payment schedule period.


Type: integer. Nullable

Identifies the currency rate to be applied to the amount paid in this payment schedule period. Foreign key to the CurrencyRate table.


Type: currency. Nullable

The estimated amount for this payment schedule period.


Type: integer. Nullable

Identifies the currency rate to be applied to the estimated amount for this payment schedule period. Foreign key to the CurrencyRate table.


Type: currency. Nullable

The budgeted amount for this payment schedule period.


Type: integer. Nullable

Identifies the currency rate to be applied to the budgeted amount for this payment schedule period. Foreign key to the CurrencyRate table.


Type: boolean

If this field is set to True, the payee is obligated to pay during this payment schedule period. If this bit is False (the default), payment can presumably be deferred.


Type: integer. Nullable

The quantity for this payment schedule period.


Type: currency. Nullable

The unit price for this payment schedule period.


Type: integer. Nullable

Identifies the currency rate to be applied to the unit price for this payment schedule period. Foreign key to the CurrencyRate table.

SoftwareAssuranceUnit Price

Type: currency. Nullable

The unit price for support (Software Assurance) for this payment schedule period.

SoftwareAssuranceUnit PriceRateID

Type: integer. Nullable

Identifies the currency rate to be applied to the unit price for support in this payment schedule period. Foreign key to the CurrencyRate table.


Type: text. Nullable

The notes field.


Type: text (max 256 characters). Nullable

The resource name used to describe the period to which this payment schedule period is applicable.

PeriodCoveredResource Parameters

Type: text (max 256 characters). Nullable

The parameters used by the resource name used to describe the period to which this payment schedule period is applicable.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2020 R1