PurchaseOrderDetail Table

FlexNet Manager Suite 2020 R1 (On-Premises)

The PurchaseOrderDetail table contains a list of all the individual purchase order lines in the system.

Note: To cater for multi-tenant mode, this table may contain data for multiple tenants. Access requires that the database TenantID has been set in the SQL Server connection context information. That setting filters an underlying table to produce this view of data for the single, selected tenant.
Table 1. Database columns for PurchaseOrderDetail table

Database Column



Type: integer. Key. Generated ID

A unique identifier for the purchase order line.


Type: integer. Key

The parent purchase order to which this line belongs. Foreign key to the PurchaseOrder table.

PurchaseOrderDetail ParentID

Type: integer. Nullable

When a purchase order line is nested as a child of another, this link identifies the parent. Foreign key to another purchase order line in this PurchaseOrderDetail table.


Type: text (max 250 characters)

A description of the item ordered in this PO line.


Type: integer. Key

The sequence number of the PO line in the overall purchase order.


Type: text (max 100 characters). Nullable

Deprecated, use LicensePartNo.


Type: integer. Nullable

The quantity of items purchased in this PO line.


Type: integer. Nullable

Where the purchase order refers to software licenses, this is the quantity of license included in per unit of this purchase order.


Type: integer. Nullable

The license entitlemets brought in by this purchase. If the total for this column would exceed the maximum allowable for int, then the total will be reduced to this number.


Type: integer. Nullable

Where the purchase order refers to software licenses, this is the number of license entitlements conferred by the item ordered in this line. This is distinct from the purchase quantity on the line item. For example, it would be possible to order “Qty 50 of XYZ license 10-pack”, which would mean a Quantity field of 50 and a LicenseQuantity of 500.


Type: text (max 100 characters). Key. Nullable

The part number or SKU of the item ordered in this PO line.


Type: currency. Nullable

The unit price of items ordered on this PO line.


Type: integer. Nullable

The currency rate to be applied to the above unit price. Foreign key to the CurrencyRate table.


Type: currency. Nullable

The amount of sales tax paid on this PO line item. May be left null if sales tax is only entered on the purchase order header.


Type: integer. Nullable

The currency rate to be applied to the above sales tax. Foreign key to the CurrencyRate table.


Type: currency. Nullable

The total price of items in this PO line.


Type: integer. Nullable

The currency rate to be applied to the above total price. Foreign key to the CurrencyRate table.


Type: boolean

Set this field to True (the default) for the total price to be caclulated automatically as (UnitPrice * Quantity) + ShippingAndHandling + SalesTax. If False, the operator must enter the total manually.


Type: currency. Nullable

The amount of money spent on shipping and handling.


Type: integer. Nullable

The currency rate to be applied to the above shipping and handling costs. Foreign key to the CurrencyRate table.


Type: boolean. Key

A bit which, if set to 1 (the default), means that the following contract ID is inherited from the parent purchase order.


Type: integer. Key. Nullable

A link to a contract related to this PO line. Foreign key to the Contract table.


Type: boolean

Set this field to True (the default) for the following shipping details to be inherited from the parent purchase order. If False, an operator has to complete the following details manually.


Type: datetime. Nullable

The date the product was shipped.


Type: integer. Nullable

The delivery method used to deliver the item ordered in this PO line. Foreign key to the ShippingMethod table.


Type: text (max 128 characters). Key. Nullable

The location to which the item is shipped. Foreign key to the GroupEx table.

MaintenanceOrService Agreement

Type: boolean

Set this field to True when this PO line includes maintenance or another type of service agreement. If False (the default), there is no maintenance or ofther service agreement associated with this PO line.


Type: datetime. Nullable

The effective date for the Purchase Order Line.


Type: datetime. Nullable

The expiry date for the Purchase Order Line.


Type: boolean

Set this field to True (the default) for the following enterprise groups to be inherited from the parent purchase order. If False, an operator has to complete the following details manually.


Type: text (max 128 characters). Key. Nullable

Any enterprise location associated with this PO line. Foreign key to the GroupEx table.


Type: text (max 128 characters). Key. Nullable

Any corporate unit within the enterprise associated with this PO line. Foreign key to the GroupEx table.


Type: text (max 128 characters). Key. Nullable

Any enterprise cost center associated with this PO line. Foreign key to the GroupEx table.


Type: text (max 128 characters). Key. Nullable

Any category used within the enterprise associated with this PO line. Foreign key to the GroupEx table.


Type: boolean

Set this field to True (the default) for the following process details to be inherited from the parent purchase order. If False, an operator has to complete the following details manually.


Type: text (max 60 characters). Nullable

The request number for the PO line.


Type: datetime. Nullable

The date the related product was requested.


Type: integer. Key. Nullable

The person who requested the purchase order line. Foreign key to the ComplianceUser table.


Type: integer. Key. Nullable

The person who authorized the purchase order line. Foreign key to the ComplianceUser table.


Type: integer. Key. Nullable

The person who processed the purchase order line. Foreign key to the ComplianceUser table.


Type: text. Nullable

Comments recorded about the purchase order line.


Type: boolean

Set this field to True (the default) for the following invoicing details to be inherited from the parent purchase order. If False, an operator has to complete the following details manually.


Type: text (max 50 characters). Nullable

The invoice number relating to this PO line.


Type: datetime. Nullable

The invoice date for the purchase order line.


Type: text (max 256 characters). Nullable

A description of the item ordered in this PO line.


Type: text (max 128 characters). Nullable

The operator who created the record.


Type: datetime

The date the record was created.


Type: text (max 128 characters). Nullable

The operator who last updated the record.


Type: datetime. Nullable

The date the record was last updated.


Type: text (max 32 characters). Nullable

A text field where an operator may record the ID of the PO line in any external system it was imported from.


Type: integer. Key

The type of the PO line. Foreign key to the PurchaseOrderDetailType table.


Type: integer. Nullable

Identifies the Microsoft Select pool. Foreign key to the MSSelectPool table.


Type: decimal. Nullable

The number of points consumed by this purchase.


Type: boolean

Set this field to True to automatically accept recommendation calculated for this purchase order line in Link Licenses node.


Type: integer. Key. Nullable

The SKU that was recognized. This value is optional. Foreign key to the SoftwareSku table.

PurchaseOrderDetail StatusID

Type: integer

The current state of the purchase order details. Foreign key to the PurchaseOrderDetailStatus table. The default value of 1 links to a “New” status.


Type: integer. Nullable

The publisher of this line item. This value is optional. Foreign key to the Vendor table.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2020 R1