SoftwareLicenseProduct Table

FlexNet Manager Suite 2020 R1 (On-Premises)

SoftwareLicenseProduct contains the set of SoftwareTitleProducts covered by a SoftwareLicense. Their product specific use rights on this license are also covered.

Note: To cater for multi-tenant mode, this table may contain data for multiple tenants. Access requires that the database TenantID has been set in the SQL Server connection context information. That setting filters an underlying table to produce this view of data for the single, selected tenant.
Table 1. Database columns for SoftwareLicenseProduct table

Database Column



Type: integer. Key. Generated ID

A unique identifier for a software license product.


Type: integer. Key

License whose property value is being stored. Foreign key to the SoftwareLicense table


Type: integer. Key. Nullable

The product covered by this license. Foreign key to the SoftwareTitleProduct table.


Type: integer. Nullable

Identifies the current application for this product on this license (which may change over time as upgrade rights are applied). Foreign key to the SoftwareTitle table.


Type: boolean

Whether this product on this license is supplementary (counted for consumption) or not.


Type: boolean

Whether this product on this license is measured for compliance risks.


Type: integer

If this product is supplementary on the license, the number of entitlements consumed related to the entitlements consumed for the parent product.


Type: integer

If this product is supplementary on the license, the number of entitlements consumed related to the entitlements consumed for the supplementary product.

InheritDowngradeFrom Contract

Type: boolean

Set this field to True if this license inherits its downgrade rights from a contract. If False (the default), downgrade rights must be configured directly on the license properties.

InheritDowngradeFrom ContractID

Type: integer. Nullable

If the previous field is True, this is the contract that downgrade rights are inherited from. Foreign key to the Contract table.

InheritUpgradeFrom Contract

Type: boolean

Set this field to True if this license inherits its upgrade rights from a contract. If False (the default), upgrade rights must be configured directly on the license properties.

InheritUpgradeFrom ContractID

Type: integer. Nullable

If the previous field is True, this is the contract that downgrade rights are inherited from. Foreign key to the Contract table.


Type: boolean

If this field is True, this license can cover previous releases, or lower editions, of applications linked to this license. If this field is False (the default), there is no downgrade right conferred by this license.


Type: boolean

If this field is True, the license covers previous releases (with the same edition) of the primary application. If this field is False (the default), earlier versions of the primary application are not covered by downgrade rights.


Type: integer. Nullable

If the previous field is True and the value of this field is NULL, downgrade rights cover all earlier releases (with the same edition) of the primary application. If not NULL, downgrade rights cover all versions of the primary application down to and including this version. Foreign key to the SoftwareTitleVersion table.


Type: boolean

If this field is True, the license covers lower editions (with the same version) of the primary application. If this field is False (the default), lower editions of the primary application are not covered by downgrade rights.


Type: integer. Nullable

If the previous field is True and the value of this field is NULL, downgrade rights cover all lower editions (with the same version) of the primary application. If not NULL, downgrade rights cover all editions of the primary application down to and including this edition. Foreign key to the SoftwareTitleEdition table.


Type: boolean

If this field is True, the license can cover future releases (with the same edition) of the primary application. If this bit is False (the default), there is no upgrade right conferred by this license.


Type: boolean

If this field is True, the license covers later releases (with the same edition) of the primary application. If this field is False (the default), later versions of the primary application are not covered by upgrade rights.


Type: integer. Nullable

If the previous field is True and the value of this field is NULL, upgrade rights cover all later version (with the same edition) of the primary application. If not NULL, upgrade rights cover all versions of the primary application up to and including this version. Foreign key to the SoftwareTitleEdition table.


Type: boolean

If this bit is 1, the upgrade right covers future releases of applications that get linked to this license, provided that the release date of each version is before (or on) a specified date. If this bit is zero (the default), the upgrade right is not date limited.


Type: datetime. Nullable

If this field is set, only applications released before this date are covered by upgrade rights.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2020 R1