The Adapter Executable

FlexNet Manager Suite 2020 R2 (On-Premises)
HPE Universal Discovery (HPE-UD) adapter uses the ucmdb-api to obtain the version of the uCMDB instance. It uses the UcmdbService web service API to retrieve the topology maps by executing TQL queries on the uCMDB instance. You can retrieve the WSDL definition of the UcmdbService web service API from http://<uCMDB Server>/axis2/services/UcmdbService?wsdl. The configuration of the staging tool includes the TQL queries that will be executed on the HPUD uCMDB database. You don't have to import the TQL queries into the HPUD uCMDB database and there is no need to deploy and maintain the TQL queries on every HPE-UD instance of your enterprise.
Note: The URL to retrieve the WSDL definition of the UcmdbService web service API may use 'https' instead of 'http'. It may also include a port number. Please check with your HPE-UD system administrator for more details on the web service URL.

The tool to query the web API has the following two parts:

  • HPuCMDBStage.exe — A console program capable of querying the UcmdbService API of HPE-UD and writing the results into an SQL Server database, and optionally to XML files on the local file system. This program supports command line arguments, available using HPuCMDBStage.exe -h. Here is the list of available command line options.
    -h                             This help   
    -x <settings file>           Settings file   
    -s <address or URL>          uCMDB server address or URL   
    -u <user name>               uCMDB export user name   
    -p <password>                uCMDB export user password   
    -c <connection string>       SQL Server staging database connection string   
    -m <staging method>          Set staging method (stage/staged/prestaged/stream)   
    -f <staging file path>       Set the staging file path
  • FNMPuCMDBSettings.xml — The self-documenting configuration file for HPuCMDBStage.exe which contains TQL queries executed against HPE-UD, and can include connection settings for HPE-UD and SQL Server.

In operation, the executable, HPuCMDBStage.exe, extracts the inventory data from HPE-UD and saves it for further processing. The value of the method parameter determines how the data is saved. The method parameter can have the following values:

  • Stage — This option enables you to save inventory data from HPE-UD to a series of XML files on the staging server (HPE-UD to XML). The XML files are not imported into the staging database, but you can review the extracted inventory data. This option also enables you to collect inventory data from the HPE-UD servers that are not directly connected to the staging server. You can manually copy and upload the inventory XML files to the staging server. Also see the Prestaged method below.
  • Staged — This options enables you to write the data extracted from the HPE-UD servers to XML files and then copy the information to the staging database (HPE-UD to XML/SQL) where it can be imported into FlexNet Manager Suite for use in compliance calculations.
  • Prestaged — This option takes information stored in XML files (from the Stage and Staged method) and loads it into a staging SQL database (XML to SQL). Inventory is not gathered from HPE-UD in this mode.
  • Stream — This option enables you to extract the inventory information from HPE-UD and load it into the staging database directly, without storing it in XML files on the staging server (HPE-UD to SQL). You can import these files to into FlexNet Manager Suite for use in compliance calculations.

You can set the default values for the method parameter and all other parameters in the FNMPuCMDBSettings.xml file. The adapter tool uses the default parameter values when you use it without other command-line options. The settings file is self-documented and the matching command-line options are available using HPuCMDBStage.exe -h.

Files Created by the Staging Tool

The following files are created when the staging tool performs a read/write operation on the local disk of the staging server. You can view the contents of the following files to review HPE-UD configuration item details that have been extracted.
Filename Content

Details of computers and their properties.

Virtualization.xml Virtualization and partitioning details.
InstalledSoftware.xml Installed software evidence linked to each computer.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2020 R2