SAP Enterprise Portal Access using the SAP Admin Module
FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications provides the ability to load user source data and statistical data from an SAP Enterprise Portal (and from any SAP system running a Java stack).
The statistical data (consumption data) are read from the CCMS that, in turn, reads the data from the SAP Enterprise Portal system. This data enables you to see the ways in which a particular user has been active in the system. You can display the statistical data using the Display Data option or the SAP transaction ST03G.
FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications reads the user source data directly from the SAP Enterprise Portal system that is connected via an RFC connection. The user source data is stored in a table in the SAP Admin module. This table is updated each time data is loaded.
The SAP Enterprise Portal functionality provides three options for loading and displaying SAP Enterprise Portal data. These options are available in the Portal menu in the SAP Admin module.
- The Load CCMS Data option reads the statistical data in the SAP Enterprise Portal; for example the user-related activities, including which applications the user used. To use this feature, you need to specify the CCMS when you insert a portal system.
- Use the Load Portal User option to read the user source data in the SAP Enterprise Portal, including the user's name, address, telephone number, and so on.
- The Display Portal User option displays a report of the user data collected.
See the FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications Installation Guide PDF for information about configuring the SAP Enterprise Portal and CEN to enable FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications to collect user source and statistical data.
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2020 R2