Handling Over-Consumption of License Types
You can specify how FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications should calculate the license position for license types that are over-consumed.
To use this feature, the license-type hierarchy must have been defined.
You can either let over-consumed licenses be over-utilized, or you can use spare licenses of a superior license type of which the over-consumed license is a sub-type, to cover these licenses. The latter option can help you avoid the need to purchase additional licenses. Licenses that are over-utilized are displayed on the License Position page in the License Deficit column.
When a license type that can be covered by spare superior licenses exceeds its purchase count, FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications will use spare licenses of the license type that is on the next level in the license hierarchy to cover it.
You can specify for an entire landscape that spare superior licenses be consumed to prevent lower-priority license types from being over-utilized. You can also fine-tune this setting for individual license types within a landscape. For more information, see Landscape-Wide Handling of Over-Consumption of License Types and Handling of Over-Consumption of Specific License Types, respectively.
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2020 R2