Data in the Management Summary Report

FlexNet Manager Suite 2020 R2 (On-Premises)

Column Description
Measurement Date Date of the measurement on which the statistical evaluation is based. This column is visible only if the evaluation is based on more than one LAW measurement.
Status The threshold for the status colors are determined by your selection under Thresholds for Status Indicator in the Contract Utilization screen:
  • A green status typically indicates that the number of used licenses lies within the number specified in the license contract.
  • A yellow status indicates that the number of used licenses is close to the number of licenses specified in the contract.
  • A red status indicates that the number of used licenses is higher than the number of licenses available, according to the license contract.
Contract No. Shows the number of the SAP license contract.
Description / Informational Text Shows the name of the license type, for example Professional User.
License Type Shows the number of the license type, for example 52.
Assignm. to Spec. Version Indicates if the license type has been assigned a special version.
Country Surcharge Indicates if the license type has been assigned a country surcharge.
Valid from Shows the start date of the license contract.
Valid to Shows the end date of the license contract.
No. Lic. in Contract Shows the total number of licenses of a particular type, per the license contract.
Number Shows the total number of licenses of a particular type that are currently in use.
Percent Shows the percentage of used licenses versus the number of licenses included in the SAP license contract.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2020 R2