Package Rule Properties and Methods
The following properties and methods enable you to define custom package formulas. All properties and methods are case sensitive. If a number is the result of the formula, then this number is the consumption value. If a string is returned, then there is no consumption value available and a message is returned instead. If a result Consumption(...) is returned, then both a consumption value and a message are returned.
Properties for custom package formulas
Property | Type | Example Value |
SystemID | string | "T7A-001" |
ClientID | string | "001" |
Methods for custom package formulas
Method | Type | Example Condition | Note |
HasMetric(int metricID) | bool | HasMetric(1000) | Determines whether a specific metric has a value from any measurement |
HasMetric(int metricID, int numMonths) | bool | HasMetric(1000, 12) | Determines whether a specific metric has a value that is relevant within the specified period of time |
HasMetric(int metricID, int numMonths, string periodType) | bool | HasMetric(1100, 12, "C") |
Determines whether a specific metric has a value that is relevant within the specified period of time and where the period of the value has the specified type. Allowed period values:
Metric(int metricID) | integer | Metric(1000) |
Returns the value of the specified metric. Where a single measurement returns multiple values (distinct periods) for a single metric on a single SAP system, the value is the sum of all values. When used in a global context (within the TotalConsumption method), the value is the sum of all values across all SAP systems. |
Metric(int metricID, int numMonths) | integer | Metric(1000, 12) |
Returns the value of the specified metric for the specified period of time. Where a single measurement returns multiple values (distinct periods) for a single metric on a single SAP system, the value is the sum of all values. When used in a global context (within the TotalConsumption method), the value is the sum of all values across all SAP systems. |
Metric(int metricID, int numMonths, string periodType) | integer | Metric(1000, 12, "C") |
Returns the value of the specified metric for the specified period of time and where the period of the value has the specified type. Where a single measurement returns multiple values (distinct periods) for a single metric on a single SAP system, the value is the sum of all values. When used in a global context (within the TotalConsumption method), the value is the sum of all values across all SAP systems. Allowed period values:
Metric(int metricID) | IEnumerable <int> | Metrics(1000) Metrics(1000).Max() |
Returns a collection of all distinct values for the specified metric. Where a single measurement returns multiple values (distinct periods) for a single metric on a single SAP system, multiple values are returned. When used in a global context (within the TotalConsumption method), values for all distinct periods but summed up across all SAP systems are returned. |
Metrics(int metricID, int numMonths) | IEnumerable <int> | Metrics(1000, 12) | Returns a collection of all distinct values for the specified metric for the specified period of time. Where a single measurement returns multiple values (distinct periods) for a single metric on a single SAP system, multiple values are returned. When used in a global context (within the TotalConsumption method), values for all distinct periods but summed up across all SAP systems are returned. |
Metrics(int metricID, int numMonths, string periodType) | IEnumerable <int> | Metrics(1000, 12, "C") | Returns a collection of all distinct values for the specified metric for the specified period of time and where the period of the value has the specified type. Where a single measurement returns multiple values (distinct periods) for a single metric on a single SAP system, multiple values are returned. When used in a global context (within the TotalConsumption method), values for all distinct periods but summed up across all SAP systems are returned. Allowed period values:
Active(bool condition) | string | Active(Metric(1000) > 0) | Returns "Active" if the specified condition is evaluated as true, otherwise returns "Inactive". |
If(bool condition, int trueResult, int falseResult) | integer | If(Metric(1000) > 0, Metric(1000), 0) | If executes a different formula depending on whether the specified condition is true. |
If(bool condition, string trueResult, string falseResult) | string | If(Metric(1000) > 0, "Active", "Inactive") | This example is equivalent to "Active(Metric(1000) > 0)" |
If(bool condition, object trueResult, object falseResult) | object | If(Metric(1000) > 0, Metric(1000), "Inactive") | If executes a different formula depending on whether the specified condition is true. |
TotalConsumption(object totalConsumed) | n/a | TotalConsumption (Metric(1000)) TotalConsumption (Active(Metric(1000) > 0)) |
Runs the formula once for the entire organization, rather than once per system. |
TotalConsumption(object totalConsumed, object systemConsumed) | n/a | TotalConsumption (Metric(1000), Metric(1000)) | Runs the first formula once for the entire organization, and the second formula once per system. |
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2020 R2