Properties for Custom License Assignment, Duplicate User, and User Consolidation Rules

FlexNet Manager Suite 2020 R2 (On-Premises)
Use these properties to define Custom rules, Duplicate User rules, and the User Consolidation.
Property Type Example Value Example Condition
UserName FirstName LastName EmailAddress
UserName string "PatLewis" UserName.ToLower() = "plewis"
FirstName string "Pat" FirstName.ToLower() = "pat"
LastName string "Lewis" LastName.ToLower() = "lewis"
EmailAddress string "" EmailAddress.ToLower().EndsWith("@")
SystemID string "ABC-001" SystemID.ToUpper().StartsWith("ABC")
ClientID string "001" ClientID = "001"
CurrentLicenseType string "52" CurrentLicenseType = "52" OR CurrentLicenseType = "53"
AccountID string "1234567890" AccountID = "1234567890"
TelephoneNumber string "+441234567890" TelephoneNumber = "+441234567890"
TelephoneExtension string "890" TelephoneExtension = "890"
IsDeveloper bool true IsDeveloper = true
UserLockStatus int 96 (UserLockStatus & 32) > 0
Possible values:
  • 0: Not locked
  • 32: Locked by CUA administrator
  • 64: Locked by administrator
  • 128: Locked after failed logon
DaysSinceLastLogon int?



DaysSinceLastLogon != null AND DaysSinceLastLogon > 365

The value is relative to the inventory date.

LastLogonDate DateTime?



LastLogonDate != null AND LastLogonDate.Value.Date == DateTime.Parse("06/28/2019")

LastLogonDateLocal DateTime?



LastLogonDateLocal != null AND LastLogonDateLocal.Date == DateTime.Parse("06/28/2019")
UserCreationDate DateTime?



UserCreationDate != null AND UserCreationDate.Value.Date == DateTime.Parse("06/28/2019")
UserCreationDateLocal DateTime?



UserCreationDateLocal != null AND UserCreationDateLocal.Date == DateTime.Parse("06/28/2019")
InventoryDate DateTime?



InventoryDate != null AND InventoryDate.Value.Date == DateTime.Parse("06/28/2019")
InventoryDateLocal DateTime?



InventoryDateLocal != null AND InventoryDateLocal.Date == DateTime.Parse("06/28/2019")
UserGroup string "QA" UserGroup = "QA"
UserType string "A"

UserType = "A" OR UserType = "B"

Possible values:

  • A: Dialog
  • B: System
  • C: Communication Data
  • D: BDC
  • L: Reference
  • S: Service
IsProductionUser bool true


IsProductionUser = true

SystemDefaultLicenseType string “91” SystemDefaultLicenseType = "91"
TotalCPUTime double 1.500

TotalCPUTime > 10

CPU time is stated in seconds.

IsUserLocked bool false

NOT IsUserLocked

IsUserLocked = false

TotalAccessCount double 10

TotalAccessCount > 10

Retrieves the total object access count for a user.

SystemSuiteType string



"" (for a non-SAP system)

SystemSuiteType = "S4Hana"

SystemSuiteType.ToLower() = "s4hana"

SystemSuiteType = ""

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2020 R2