Viewing Remote System Evidence
On the Indirect Access page (accessible under Optimization), the RFC Connections tab lists the remote systems (usually non-SAP servers) that are communicating with your organization's SAP systems.
The information on the RFC Connections tab helps you identify indirect access and decide whether further investigation of a particular system is needed. Each row in the grid represents a summary of a remote server. Each of these remote servers is connecting to one or more of your organization’s SAP servers, and is executing one or more remote function calls using one or more SAP user accounts. You can view the corresponding details on the remote system's details page (see Viewing Details of Remote System Evidence).
Column |
Definition |
Remote System |
The host name of the remote (non-SAP) machine that is accessing the SAP system. |
Number of RFC Calls |
The number of RFC calls that were made from the remote system to an SAP system. |
Number of Functions Used |
The number of distinct RFC functions that were used by the remote system. To see details of the functions that have been used, and to determine whether data was imported into or out of SAP, open the Remote System page. For more information, see Viewing Details of Remote System Evidence. |
Number of SAP Systems |
The number of SAP systems to which the remote system communicated. |
Number of Dialog Users |
The number of Dialog users who logged on to the SAP system to execute RFC calls. A high number usually indicates that the users who are accessing the SAP data via the remote system are logging in to the SAP system directly—that is, no indirect access is taking place. If the number is low, this might indicate that the SAP data is accessed indirectly via a Dialog user account that is used incorrectly. |
Number of Non-Dialog Users |
The number of users with a user account type other than Dialog who logged on to the SAP system to execute RFC calls. If the value of this column is greater than zero, this indicates that a "non-human" (technical) user account was used to access SAP data, and the SAP data might be accessed by a larger number of users via the remote system. |
Non-SAP Systems |
The non-SAP system(s) to which this evidence is currently linked. |
Hidden |
No indicates that the evidence is always visible. Yes indicates that the evidence is visible only if the Show hidden remote systems check box is selected. For information about showing and hiding evidence, see Showing and Hiding Remote System Evidence. |
For information about viewing the details of a remote system, see Viewing Details of Remote System Evidence.
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2020 R2