FlexNet Manager Suite
2020 R2
You may need to modify RFC destination details for systems—for example, when the
password for the RFC user was changed in one of the dependent SAP systems. In this case,
the RFC Status column in the Maintain RFC
Assignments grid shows a red status, alerting you to the RFC destination
that is not working properly.
To modify RFC destination details in the SAP Admin module:
Open the SAP Admin module.
In the system landscape, point to Administration and
click Maintain RFC Assignments.
Select the system whose RFC destination you want to modify, and click
Modify RFC Destination.
The SAP transaction SM59 is called. The fields in the RFC
name screen are populated with the information that was
already saved for the RFC destination.
Modify the configuration information as required. For more information on the
properties in this screen, refer to the SAP documentation.
Click Save.
Upon saving the RFC destinations, FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications automatically verifies
if the RFC destinations are correct. For information about testing RFC destinations, see
Testing RFC Destinations. The changes that you
made in SM59 are transferred to the SAP Admin module and the RFC destination details are
updated accordingly.
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2020 R2