LicenseBreachReason Table

LicenseBreachReason is a static table holding the collection of reasons why a license can be at risk.

Table 1. Database columns for LicenseBreachReason table

Database Column



Type: integer. Key. Generated ID

A unique identifier for each LicenseBreachReason. Possible values and the corresponding default strings are:

  • 1 = Installed Greater Than Purchased
  • 2 = Child License At Risk
  • 3 = Install Linked to License has Invalid Sockets
  • 4 = Software License Does Not Meet Minimums
  • 5 = Software License Has Expired
  • 6 = Unlicensed Component Installed
  • 7 = Peak Consumed Quantity Greater Than Purchased
  • 8 = Nested License At Risk
  • 9 = Supplementary Product Exceeds Ratio.

Type: text (max 256 characters). Key

The unique name of the localizable resource string representing a risk reason. Foreign key to the ComplianceResourceString table.


Type: text (max 512 characters)

The text to display if the reason resource string has no translation.