Customizable Drop-Down Lists
Database table | Notes |
AcquisitionMode |
A list of methods that can be used to obtain an asset. You may add methods, but it is recommended that you do not rename or remove the existing items. Examples include Purchased, Leased, Rented. Sample location: Asset properties, Financial tab. |
AssetStatus |
The status of an asset. You can add states, but existing items must not be renamed or removed. Examples include Purchased, In storage, Retired. Assets with a status of Retired or Disposed do not consume from software licenses during compliance calculations. No other status values (including any you may add) affect consumption calculations. Sample location: Asset properties, General tab, shown as Status. |
AssetType |
The kind of asset you are recording in your asset register.
AssetType is an exception to the general process for customizing
drop-down lists. For its unique process, see Adding a Custom Asset Type. |
AssetWarrantyType |
The type of warranty that applies to an asset. This list can be replaced with your own values. Examples include One year on site, Three year on site. Sample location: Asset properties, Financial tab, as Warranty type. |
ComplianceComputerRole |
The kinds of role that a computer might have. This list can be replaced with your own values. Examples include Failover, Training, Backup, Test. Sample location: Inventory device properties, General tab, as Device role. |
ComplianceUserStatus |
The status of a user within an organization. You can add status values, but existing items must
not be renamed or removed. Examples include Active,
Retired, Pending (perhaps
for an employee just starting with the company).
Note: The
Sample location: User properties, General
tab, as Status.ComplianceUserStatus list differs from the other lists in that it
has an additional IsUserActive property that must be specified
whenever a new status entry is added. Set the value of this property to
1 if you want end users with your new status to be included in
compliance calculations, and 0 if you want them omitted. By default,
end users with a status of Retired or
Inactive are not counted in license reconciliation
calculations, because they are assumed to not be active members of the
organization. |
ComputerChassisType |
The chassis type, that is, that casing, of a computer. You can add types, but existing items must not be renamed or removed. Examples include Notebook, Sealed-Case PC, Mini Tower. Sample location: Inventory device properties, Hardware tab, as Assigned chassis type. |
ContractType |
The type of a contract. You can add types, but existing items must not be renamed or removed. Examples include Lease, Support. Sample location: Contract properties, General tab, as
Contract type.
Tip: No custom processing can be
associated with your custom contract type. As an alternative to creating a custom
contract type, consider using a generic type such as Software
License in the contract properties, and then qualifying this with
your choice of Purchase program.
ContractStatus |
The state of a contract. You can add states, but existing items must not be renamed or removed. Examples include Active, Completed, Draft. Sample location: Contract properties, General tab, as Status. |
EmploymentStatus |
A user’s type of employment within your organization. This list can be replaced with your own values. Examples include Employee, Part-time, Casual. Sample location: User properties, General tab. |
EndOfLifeReason |
A list of disposal methods for an asset. This list can be replaced with your own values. Examples include Lost, Stolen, Sold. Sample location: Asset properties, General tab, shown as Retirement reason (only visible when Status is set to Retired). |
InstanceRole |
The possible roles of an instance of a piece of software (such as an Oracle Database). In some cases, vendors can attribute different licensing terms to an instance depending on its role within the organization. This list can be replaced with your own values. Examples include Backup, Failover, Mirroring. Sample location: Oracle instance properties, General tab, as Role. |
InstanceEnvironment |
The possible environments in which an instance of software can be deployed. For some vendors, the environment may affect the cost of licensing. This list can be replaced with your own values. Examples include Development, Staging, Production. Sample location: Oracle instance properties, General tab, as Environment. |
LeaseEndReason |
A list of reasons why a lease can be terminated. This list can be replaced with your own values. Examples include Early Termination - Asset Returned, Buyout, Trade. Sample location: Payment schedule properties, Lease tab (which is visible only when the Payment schedule type is Lease), as Lease termination reason. |
LicenseStatus |
A list of license states. You can add new status values, but existing items must not be renamed or removed. Examples include Active, Retired. Sample location: License properties, Identification tab, as Status. |
OracleLegacyLicenseType |
While the compliance of your older Oracle licenses is not tracked automatically, you may still record them and manually set their compliance status. Update this list to include any Oracle legacy license types in use at your organization. It is recommended that you do not rename or remove existing items. Examples include Concurrent Device, Developer - Network License. Sample location: Properties for an Oracle Legacy license type (only), Identification tab, as Legacy type. |
PurchaseOrderDetailType |
The possible types of purchases. You can add types to this list, but existing items must not be renamed or removed. Examples include Software, Software Upgrade, Hardware maintenance. Sample location: Purchase properties, General tab, as Purchase type. |
ResponsibilityType |
A list of responsibilities that can be assigned to users who are involved in contract management. You can add types to this list, but it is recommended that you do not rename or remove existing items. Examples include Owner, Signatory, and Interested Party. Sample location: Contract properties, Responsibilities tab, in the Responsibility column of the list of users. |
SoftwareLicenseDuration |
A list of license periods. You can add items to this list, but it is recommended that you do not rename or remove existing items. Examples include Perpetual, Time Limited. Sample location: License properties, Identification tab, as Duration. |
SoftwareTitleClassification |
A classification for the applications used in your enterprise. You can add items to this list, but existing entries must not be renamed or removed. Examples include Freeware, Malware, Update. Sample location: Application properties, General tab, as Classification. |
TermAndConditionType |
Shown as the Type of a term or condition in the properties of a contract, it is used to classify the terms or conditions being documented for a contract. You can customize these types only on the Terms and conditions tab of the contract properties. Examples include Acceptance Period, Renewal, Limitation. Sample location: Contract properties, Terms and conditions tab, after selecting a term or condition from the list and clicking Open. |
UserTitle |
The titles that can be used before a person's name. This list can be extended with your own values. Examples include Mr., Miss. Sample location: User properties, General tab, as Title. |
UserSuffix |
Additional information about the user's name, for example, Jr., Sr., and so on. This list can be extended with your own values. Sample location: User properties, General tab, as Suffix. |
Columns in SQL DB tables
- An identifier field (for example,
).Remember: If you add a new value, it is automatically assigned a unique identifier greater than 1000. The first 1000 identifiers are reserved for internal use, do not manually adjust this field. - A resource name column (usually called
). This is a unique field that must exist for every row. It is used to find the internationalized text to be displayed on the screen so that different language versions of FlexNet Manager Platform will display different text for the same value. It should contain the name of a resource string to be loaded from the internationalized system. If the string does not exist for a particular language version, then the value in the default value column will be used instead. Every value in theResourceString
column is also represented as a row in theComplianceResourceString
table.Tip: Because options in a drop-down list change infrequently, they are cached to improve database performance. Therefore, after adding a custom option in one of the drop-down lists mentioned in the table above, restart Microsoft IIS on the web application server (or, on smaller implementations, the server hosting that functionality). - The default value (usually called
). It is displayed on the user interface if no localized string is available.
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2020 R2