Access rights define what an account can do in FlexNet Manager Suite. For example, an administrator role can control the configuration and management of FlexNet Manager Suite whereas a report viewer role can only view the reports and dashboards (and then only for data objects where the operator has at least Read only privileges). When you assign a role to an account, FlexNet Manager Suite assigns the access rights contained in the assigned role to that account.
Mapping roles and accounts
Roles should be assigned to user accounts that have the appropriate responsibilities and security approvals. For example, the default Business Reporting Portal Admin role is for the administrator of Flexera Analytics, with tasks like:- Importing and exporting content
- Setting up custom reports
- Defining schedules for reports
- Creating/administering data sets or data modules
- Monitoring activity
- Importing the default sample reports supplied with FlexNet Manager Suite.
Since the default license allows only one account in this administration role, best practice is to link this role to the account of the person with those oversight responsibilities, rather than to an unsecured Windows account or a service account.
- Search for existing roles: You can search for an existing role. For information about searching and using other UI options, see the topics under Using Lists in FlexNet Manager Suite.
- View accounts associated with a role: Each role record displays the number of accounts assigned with that role. You can click this link to view the list of accounts assigned with the role on the All Accounts page.
- Create a role: You can create a new role and assign it to one or more accounts. See Creating a Role.
- Copy an existing role: You can copy an existing role to create a new role with modified privileges. Click the copy icon for the role you wish to copy. FlexNet Manager Suite displays the Create a Role page. Modify the desired properties and click Create. For more information, see Creating a Role.
- Change the rights for an existing role: You can adjust the privileges given to an existing role. Click the edit (pencil) icon for the role you wish to edit. FlexNet Manager Suite displays the Edit rolename page, where you can change any values except the role Name (other than this, the page is identical to the display for creating a new role). Modify the desired properties, and scroll to the bottom of the page to click Save. For more information, see Creating a Role.
- Delete a role: Click the delete icon for the role you wish to delete. FlexNet Manager Suite displays a confirmation message. Click OK to
delete the role.Note: You can delete a role whether or not there are accounts assigned to the role. When a role is deleted, any privileges granted to accounts through only that one role are revoked, so that (as always) each account has the sum of privileges granted by the roles to which it is currently assigned. Keep in mind that an account must be assigned to at least one role to have any access to FlexNet Manager Suite. If you delete the only role to which an account is assigned, the operator using that account is no longer able to use FlexNet Manager Suite until you assign that account to another role.
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2020 R2