Licenses with Payments Due
- The license is linked to a contract
- The contract has a child payment schedule attached
- The license is also linked to the payment schedule (which may have happened automatically, or they may have been linked manually)
- The payment schedule shows unpaid installments that are either overdue, or falling due in the immediate future.
The list displays a mix of license properties, contract properties, and payment schedule properties. Remember that the licenses available for you to inspect may be limited by your access rights.
To change the time period
- 7 days
- 14 days
- 30 days
- 60 days
- 90 days
- Overdue, which of course excludes any forthcoming payments and lists only those in the past (without limit). This is a useful filter for when you want to clean up records that have not been maintained for some time.
To clear licenses from this list
Licenses are in this list because they have (one or more) unpaid installments recorded in an attached payment schedule that fall due in the time period you selected. They will automatically leave the list after those unpaid installments are recorded as paid. To record payments, see Making a Scheduled Payment.
Available properties
The columns in this list are described in the table below (in alphabetical order). Some fields are displayed by default, and others are available in the column chooser. The Save view as feature of FlexNet Manager Suite enables you to create customized management views of a page by saving the applied user interface settings. For more information, see Creating Management Views.
Name | Details |
Allocated |
The number of license entitlements allocated to computers or end-users. Those with allocations have top priority consuming from this license, and cannot consume from any other. Allocations may also be set (per license) to always count as consumption (regardless of inventory). For each inventory device, you can also modify the behavior of allocations. The Allocated value is editable in the Consumption tab of the license properties. Furthermore, the type of allocation can be adjusted on the Licenses tab of the inventory device properties. Not available for SAP Named User licenses. |
Budgeted amount (currency) | The budget projection for this scheduled payment. Set when creating the payment schedule, and then editable in the Installments tab of the payment schedule properties. |
Compliance status |
Whether or not the current
use of software under this license complies with the
license terms and conditions. Values may be:
Consumed |
The number of license entitlements
(or points) consumed across the enterprise.
Tip: Access rights on an operator's role may restrict the
values that the operator is entitled to see. An
unrestricted view provides the total consumption that
should be balanced by purchases.
Note: Special
provisions apply to these license types:
Corporate unit, Cost center, or Location |
The name of the related enterprise group. May be linked to the license on the Ownership tab of the license properties. |
Due date | The date planned for payment of this installment. Set up when the payment schedule is created, and then not editable. |
Duration |
The time-based nature of the license, whether it is a Perpetual, Subscription, or Time limited license. Editable in the Identification tab of the license properties. |
Edition |
The edition property of the license, which may or may not be the same as the edition of the licensed application. Editable in the Identification tab of the license properties. |
Entitlement limits |
The Entitlement limits section displays the entitlements limits rule that controls how the license is flagged if consumption exceeds purchased entitlements. A value of Unlimited or Subject to true-up means this license cannot be displayed as At risk. In addition, for a value of Subject to true-up, at the end of the true-up period, you must make purchases to retrospectively cover any over-consumption. Most licenses display As purchased, where a license is At risk if consumption exceeds purchased entitlements. |
Estimated amount (currency) | The projected cost of each installment. Specified when the payment schedule is created, and then editable in the Installment tab of the payment schedule properties. |
Estimated usage | The projected usage calculated for this license, based on patterns of usage over time. Naturally, only shows a value for licenses where application usage has been tracked over time. |
Has maintenance |
Displays No when there is no current maintenance recorded for this license; or Yes when there is at least one purchase of maintenance for which today falls between the Effective date and the Expiry date (inclusive) on the purchase. When this is Yes, the Maintenance field shows the corresponding number of entitlements that are currently covered by maintenance. |
Installment | The date-based identifier of an installment on a payment schedule, created automatically from payment frequency information. If you are looking at payments falling due in a forthcoming period (such as within the next 30 days), this is the next installment falling within your chosen time window. If you are looking at Overdue payments, this is the earliest of the overdue payments on the payment schedule. All installments are listed on the Installments tab of the payment schedule properties. Not editable. |
License name | The license name may be:
Click the hyperlink on the license name to open the license properties. The Name value is editable in the Identification tab of the license properties. |
License type |
The kind of license, which determines what properties are available for the license, and how compliance is calculated for the license. For details of an individual license type, please see the appropriate entry in the glossary. Editable in the License type field in the Identification tab of the license properties. |
Maintenance |
The total number of license entitlements currently covered by maintenance (or support, or Software Assurance), as shown in maintenance-related purchases linked to the license and taking account of their effective date ranges. The total is not directly
editable in license properties (although the total can be
split across licenses). The value is summed from maintenance
purchases linked to the license, and is displayed in the
Compliance tab as
Maintenance from purchases. To increase the total coverage, link additional current
maintenance purchase records to the license.
Tip: Maintenance purchases can also be split across multiple
licenses, for example by editing the
Maintenance column in the
Purchases tab of the license properties.
Maintenance can be included
in purchases of the following types linked to the
Manager |
The delegate who has responsibility for the license. Editable in the Ownership tab of the license properties. |
Override unit price (currency) | The unit price for a single entitlement under this license. This value has been set to override prices on all related purchase records. This may be set to the current single purchase price. |
Paid amount (currency) | In cases when a scheduled installment on the payment schedule has an Installment status that is Incomplete, and a partial payment recorded in the Actual/fixed amount, the amount paid so far displays here. Actual amounts paid are editable in the Installments tab of the payment schedule properties. |
Payment schedule name | The name given to this payment schedule at creation (or at last edit). Click this name to open the properties of the payment schedule. Set in the Create a Payment Schedule page. Editable in the General tab of the payment schedule properties. |
Payment schedule type | The kind of payments being scheduled, as determined when the payment schedule was created. Not editable. |
Potential savings | Based on projected expenses, and assuming licenses not currently in use (or not installed) are negotiated away. Potential savings value is the
difference between the next projected payment and a usage-based cost, calculated as
follows (where the vertical bar symbolizes a logical-OR in the listed order of
Tip: If the license is linked to multiple payment schedules (and
their parent contracts), this process is repeated for each applicable payment
schedule, and the Potential savings figure
is the sum of the next installments from all applicable payment
Product (primary) |
The basic name of the application, excluding the publisher and references to versions or editions. This field displays the value Multiple products for multi-product licenses that have multiple primary products. See Multi-Product License. Product values are not directly editable in the license properties, but are taken from the latest version of the application linked to the license (visible in the Identification section of the General tab of the application properties). In license properties the product is listed in the Applications tab. For multi-product licenses, linked products are listed in the Use rights & rules tab. |
Publisher |
The name of the publisher of this software, responsible for its development and distribution. For application records that you create manually, Publisher is editable in the General tab of the application properties. For applications supplied through the Application Recognition Library, the Publisher field is not editable. |
Purchased |
The total number of license entitlements recorded for this license. This is the sum of the Entitlements from purchases and Extra entitlements values stored in the properties of the license. This is the number of licenses your enterprise is entitled to consume. Not directly editable. The value
changes as you:
Raw consumption |
The consumption from this license before taking account of any savings gained from product use rights that may cover some installations without consuming additional entitlements. For most license types, this is shown on the Compliance tab as Raw installations. Not editable. |
SA unit price (currency) | Annual cost of Software Assurance per computer in your next true up. Set when the payment schedule is created, and then editable in the Installments tab of the payment schedule properties. Available only when the Payment schedule type is either EA Other Application or EA Professional Platform. |
Serial number |
Any serial number associated with this license. Editable in the Identification tab of the license properties. |
Shortfall/Availability |
Displays the result of Entitlements from purchases plus Extra entitlements minus Consumed fields shown in license properties. The result is positive when you have surplus entitlements (according to the last license consumption calculation), and negative when you are under-purchased. For points-based licenses (such as Core Points or Processor Points licenses), the value is the number of points, rather than entitlements. Not editable. Visible at the Available Entitlements field on the Compliance tab of the license properties. |
Subject to true-up |
A value of Yes means this license cannot be displayed as "at risk", and that at the end of the true-up period, you must make purchases to retroactively cover any over-consumption. Most licenses display No. Editable in the Subject to
true-up field in the
Identification tab of the license properties.
Note: For SaaS User
licenses covering Salesforce, this field should show a value of
Yes. However, if the Subject to
true-up field in the Identification
tab of the license properties is manually deselected for a Salesforce license, this field
will temporarily display a value of No until the next time
FlexNet Manager Suite recalculates a license position, after which this field reverts
to Yes.
Unit price (currency) | The per-computer (or per license) contribution to the installment cost. Set when the payment schedule is created, and then editable in the Installments tab of the payment schedule properties. Not available when the Metric for this payment schedule is Fixed. |
Used |
The number of installations of
the licensed applications actively being used. Shows a zero
Version |
The version assigned to the license. Depending on settings, this may or may not reflect the version of the first-linked application. The license Version is editable in the Identification tab of the license properties. |
You can now filter and sort this list to suit your requirements.
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2020 R2