Three new license reports by enterprise groups
- Licenses Consumed and Purchased by Corporate Unit
- Licenses Consumed and Purchased by Cost Center
- Licenses Consumed and Purchased by Location.
Of course, the behavior of individual enterprise groups does not represent an audit risk in the same way that your corporate-wide totals of purchases and consumption do – compliance is a matter for the entire enterprise. However, these reports enable you to track what might be called "group compliance" – where managers are allowed to make local purchases of software, are they managing carefully enough to keep their group's consumption (and that of all descendant groups) within the limits of their purchases?
These reports may be used in conjunction with the existing Licenses Consumed and Allocated by Enterprise Groups. This report best suits those enterprises who centralize the purchases of software licenses, and then assign quantities to various enterprise groups. Enterprises that allow both practices can combine the use of these reports.
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2021 R1