Microsoft Azure connector now selects cloud environments
The Microsoft Azure inventory connector, one of a series of PowerShell-based connectors that you can configure from an appropriate inventory beacon, now allows you to specify the Azure environment you are connecting to. Currently, the Azure environments include AzureChinaCloud, AzureCloud, AzureGermanCloud, and AzureUSGovernment, each having its own distinct set of application credentials (that is, you must specify the connection for exactly one of these environments, and not try to mix details across environments). If you do not specify any environment, the connection tries the default AzureCloud environment.
This update to the Azure inventory connector is downloaded to the inventory beacon as part of the regular beacon policy update. It automatically updates the previous version of the Azure adapter (released with FlexNet Manager Suite 2019 R1), and is compatible with FlexNet Beacon version 13.2.0 and later.
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2021 R1