Processed Purchases

FlexNet Manager Suite 2021 R1 (On-Premises)
Tip: This page includes only purchases related to software licensing, so that only the following purchase types are included here (with other types being available in the All Purchases page):
  • Not set
  • Software
  • Software baseline
  • Software maintenance
  • Software subscription
  • Software upgrade.
The purchases on this page have either been:
  • Linked to licenses by automated processing (based on the purchase having a known SKU number or a suitable Description)
  • Processed under your control through the Unprocessed Purchases page (see Unprocessed Purchases and its subtopics).
Therefore, as appropriate, these purchases currently contribute to your recorded entitlements to help balance license consumption.
Tip: Not included in this listing are any purchases that you manually linked to a license through the property pages of either the purchase or the license. Find these manually-linked purchases in the All Purchases page.
This list may include partially processed purchases. These can arise because the entitlements purchased may be split across multiple licenses, and the work of splitting is still incomplete. Therefore a purchase appears in this list as processed, but still has other entitlements available for linking to another license (such a purchase would appear both in this listing and in Unprocessed Purchases).

Actions you can take

You can do any of the following:

  • To move a processed purchase back to the list of unprocessed purchases, select it and click Rollback.
    Note: Only the most recently processed transaction on any given license can be rolled back. However, once today’s transaction has been rolled back, yesterday’s transaction is now the most recent, and in turn may be rolled back. In this way you can roll back multiple transactions on a single license if you need to: one at a time. Of course, as an alternative to rolling back a transaction, you may always manually edit the properties of the relevant license, purchase orders, and contracts that are impacted by the transaction. (A further restriction is that only transactions completed through the purchase processing wizard on the Unprocessed Purchases page can be rolled back. Purchases linked by other means, including the action of the Move maintenance wizard or manual linking through property sheets, do not appear in this listing and cannot be rolled back.)
  • To delete a processed purchase, select it and click Delete.
    Deleted purchases are no longer available across the system. There is no undo. If you delete purchases already linked to licenses, then the entitlements and compliance calculations are affected. When deleting purchases, make sure that you remove them from any imported source to prevent them from being imported back into FlexNet Manager Suite.
  • The Save view as feature of FlexNet Manager Suite enables you to create customized management views of a page by saving the applied user interface settings. For more information, see Creating Management Views.
The following fields are available on the list of processed purchases (listed in alphabetical order). You might need to manually add some of them from within the Choose columns dialog box.
Tip: Any custom properties that you have added for this object are also available through the column chooser. Like other properties, you can also use these properties for filtering and grouping records on this page.
Column name Notes
Acceptance date

If this purchase was processed automatically, this is the date of processing. If the link was created manually through property sheet adjustments, this is the date that the purchase was linked to this license.

Not directly editable.


The impact of this purchase on your total license entitlements.

Editable in the Assigned entitlements field in the Purchases tab of the license properties.

In the license properties, this value is shown as Assigned entitlements.
Available quantity The number of entitlements (either purchased, or covered by purchased maintenance) that have not yet been assigned to any license. This is calculated as Effective quantity less the number already assigned to licenses (with a minimum value of zero). A non-zero value on this page means that the purchase has been partially processed.
Available quantity

The number of entitlements (either purchased, or covered by purchased maintenance) that have not yet been assigned to any license. This is calculated as Effective quantity less the number already assigned to licenses (with a minimum value of zero). For this reason, when a purchase is presented for processing the first time, the Available quantity is identical to the Effective quantity.

Contract no.

The identifying code for the contract.

Editable in the Contract no. field in the General tab of the contract properties.

Corporate unit, Cost center, and Location

The name of the related enterprise group.

Selectable in the Ownership tab of the purchase properties.

Created by

The name of the operator (or service account) that created this purchase record, as reflected on the History tab of the purchase properties. A service account name is likely when, for example, purchase records are created by imports of spreadsheets or other external data, especially if these imports are schedule-based.

Creation date

The date that the record of the purchase was created, reflected on the History tab of the purchase properties. Notice that this is unlikely to be the same as the date when the purchase was made, or the goods delivered.


Details of the item purchased.

Editable in the Description field in General tab of the purchase properties (in the Purchase details group).

Effective date

The first date from which this purchase entitles you to support or maintenance on your software purchase. This value is set in the General tab of the purchase properties, but is only available when you mark the purchase as including support. (The column remains blank when the purchase did not include support or maintenance.)

Expiry date

The last date on which this purchase entitles you to support or maintenance on your software purchase.

Editable in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Includes maintenance

Displays Yes if the purchase included a period of software maintenance or support. In this case, the Effective date column shows the start date for this purchase of support; and for details of the end date of the support purchased, see the General tab of the purchase properties. If no support provisions were included in the purchase, this column displays No.


The number of this purchase within its related purchase order.

License type

The kind of license purchased. This value is not editable, and is supplied from the SKU and PURL libraries when the purchase records a recognized software SKU (matched in the SKU library). If there is no Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) number, or one that is not matched in the SKU library, this column remains blank. For details of an individual license type, please see the appropriate entry in the glossary.

Part no./SKU

The vendor's code that identifies the purchased item (the Stock Keeping Unit).

This value is added as Part no./SKU in the General tab of the purchase properties.


The manufacturer of the product.

Editable in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Purchase date

The date that goods were ordered.

The Purchase date is recorded when the first purchase from the same purchase order is created. Thereafter it is accessible through the General tab of the purchase properties.

Purchase order no.

The identifying code of the purchase order authorizing the purchase.

Editable in the Purchase order no. field in the General tab of the purchase properties.

Purchase type
The nature of this purchase, such as software, hardware, maintenance and so on. Determines whether automated processing of the purchase can occur, and whether the purchase can contribute to license entitlements.
Tip: At purchase processing time, when the purchase is linked to a license, the purchase type from a recognized SKU is given priority over this Purchase type set in the purchase properties. It is best practice to keep these two values aligned.

The Purchase type value is selected on the General tab on the purchase properties.

Quantity per unit

The multiplier for the number of individual items included in each purchased unit (relevant for purchases of groups or packs).

The Quantity per unit value is added on the General tab on the purchase properties.

SKU description

When a purchase identified a recognized SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), the associated description from the SKU is shown here. The column remains blank is there is no SKU, or if there is a SKU that is unrecognized (not in the downloaded SKU library). Typically the SKU description identifies the product and license details. This value is not editable, and is supplied from the SKU and PURL libraries.

Shows the current progress of the purchase through the purchasing process. Values may be:
  • Cancelled
  • Completed
  • New
  • Pending
Tip: These values have no effect on license compliance calculations. If a purchase conveys license entitlements and is linked to a license, the entitlements are counted regardless of this status value. If you intend to cancel a purchase so that it no longer contributes to your license entitlements, be sure to disconnect the purchase from any licenses.

The Status value is selected on the General tab of the purchase properties.

To license
The destination license which benefited from this purchase, typically by gaining entitlements, extending support, or by being the license resulting from an upgrade.
Tip: If you split a purchase across multiple licenses, the purchase appears in multiple rows, each one associated with a single To license.
Not directly editable, but can be managed by either:
  • Changing licenses in the Licenses tab of the purchase properties
  • Changing purchases in the Purchases tab of the license properties.
Upgrading from

For Software Upgrade purchases, this shows this original (previous) license that has been upgraded. Entitlements were transferred from this original license to the destination listed as To license.

Can be managed in the Licenses tab of the purchase properties.

Only for purchases of type Software Upgrade, and otherwise empty.


The reseller who sold this product.

The Vendor value is editable in the General tab of the purchase properties.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2021 R1