Term and Condition CSV

Terms and conditions are recorded separately in FlexNet Manager Suite, and linked to the contract(s) to which they apply.

Table 1. Spreadsheet columns for Term and Condition DDI




Type: Date . Mandatory. For formats, see Entering Dates in the CSV Templates.

The start date for the term or condition.


Type: String. Optional. Maximum: 4000

Comments recorded about the term and condition.


Type: String. Key. Mandatory. Maximum: 60

The contract number.


Type: String. Key. Mandatory. Maximum: 256

The description of the term and condition.


Type: String. Optional. Maximum: 100

A reference to a document or a section of a document for the term or condition.


Type: Date . Mandatory. For formats, see Entering Dates in the CSV Templates.

The end date for the term or condition.


Type: String. Mandatory. Maximum: 256

The type of term and condition. Standard types are:
  • Acceptance Period
  • Price Change
  • Cancellation
  • Renewal
  • Expiry
  • Review
  • Limitation
If no value is specified for a new type of term and condition, the Limitation value is used.
For a single-tenant on-premises implementation, custom types of term and condition are created for non-existing values, so be careful about typographical errors. (Not supported for multi-tenant implementations for managed service providers.)

2022 R1