The Computer Object

This item maps to the computer object in the FlexNet Manager Suite compliance database. It supports the addition of custom properties through the Business Importer.

Behavior in the Business Adapter Studio

When you create new objects in the Business Adapter Studio, the Computer appears in the Computer group in the right-click context menu.


The Computer object exposes the following properties in the data model for the Business Importer and the Business Adapter Studio.

Table 1. Data model properties for Computer object (alphabetical listing)



Asset ID

Type: int.

Stores the AssetID as a foreign key to the Asset table in the compliance database.

Assigned Chassis Type

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 1000.

Values of Assigned Chassis Type must match those stored in the ComputerChassisType table of the compliance database.

Assigned User ID

Stores the AssignedUserID as a foreign key to the User table in the compliance database.

Calculated User ID

Stores the CalculatedUserID as a foreign key to the User table in the compliance database.

Category ID

Type: varchar. Maximum: 128.

Stores the categoryID as a foreign key to the category table in the compliance database.

Chassis Number

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 128.

Maps to computer.HostIdentifyingNumber in the compliance database.

Chassis Type

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 1000.

Values of Chassis Type must match those stored in the ComputerChassisType table of the compliance database.

Clock Speed (MHz)

Type: int.

Maps to computer.MaxClockSpeed in the compliance database.

Compliance Status

Values of Compliance Status must match those stored in the AssetComplianceStatus table of the compliance database.

Computer Name

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 256.

Maps to computer.computername in the compliance database.

Computer Type

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 1000.

Values of Computer Type must match those stored in the ComplianceComputerType table of the compliance database.

Corporate Unit ID

Type: varchar. Maximum: 128.

Stores the businessunitID as a foreign key to the CorporateUnit table in the compliance database.

Cost Center ID

Type: varchar. Maximum: 128.

Stores the costcenterID as a foreign key to the costcenter table in the compliance database.

Disk Space (byte)

Type: int.

Maps to computer.TotalDiskSpace in the compliance database.

Domain ID

Type: int.

Stores the ComplianceDomainID as a foreign key to the ComplianceDomain table in the compliance database.

Email Address

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 512.

Maps to computer.EmailAddress in the compliance database.

Hosted In

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 250.

Maps to computer.ServiceProvider in the compliance database.


Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 512.

Maps to computer.IMEI in the compliance database.

IP Address

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 256.

Maps to computer.IPAddress in the compliance database.

Inventory Date

Type: datetime.

Maps to computer.InventoryDate in the compliance database.

Inventory Source

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 64.

Maps to computer.InventoryAgent in the compliance database.

Inventory Source Type

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 1000.

Values of Inventory Source Type must match those stored in the ComplianceComputerInventorySourceType table of the compliance database.

Last Logged On User ID

Stores the ComplianceUserID as a foreign key to the User table in the compliance database.

Location ID

Type: varchar. Maximum: 128.

Stores the locationID as a foreign key to the location table in the compliance database.

MAC Address

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 256.

Maps to computer.MACAddress in the compliance database.


Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 128.

Maps to computer.Manufacturer in the compliance database.

Model Number

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 128.

Maps to computer.ModelNo in the compliance database.

Number of Cores

Type: int.

Maps to computer.NumberOfCores in the compliance database.

Number of Display Adapters

Type: int.

Maps to computer.NumberOfDisplayAdapters in the compliance database.

Number of Hard Drives

Type: int.

Maps to computer.NumberOfHardDrives in the compliance database.

Number of Network Cards

Type: int.

Maps to computer.NumberOfNetworkCards in the compliance database.

Number of Processors

Type: int.

Maps to computer.NumberOfProcessors in the compliance database.

Number of Sockets

Type: int.

Maps to computer.NumberOfSockets in the compliance database.

Number of Threads

Type: int.

Maps to computer.NumberOfLogicalProcessors in the compliance database.

Operating System

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 128.

Maps to computer.OperatingSystem in the compliance database.

Partial Number of Processors

Type: float.

Maps to computer.PartialNumberOfProcessors in the compliance database.

Phone Number

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 256.

Maps to computer.PhoneNo in the compliance database.

Processor Type

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 256.

Maps to computer.ProcessorType in the compliance database.

RAM (byte)

Type: int.

Maps to computer.TotalMemory in the compliance database.


Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 1000.

Values of Role must match those stored in the ComplianceComputerRole table of the compliance database.

Serial Number

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 100.

Maps to computer.SerialNo in the compliance database.

Service Pack

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 128.

Maps to computer.ServicePack in the compliance database.


Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 1000.

Values of Status must match those stored in the ComplianceComputerStatus table of the compliance database.

Data model version 13.2

2022 R1