Prerequisites for imgtrack

FlexNet Manager Suite 2022 R1 (On-Premises)
The imgtrack script must be executed on a device that meets all of the following requirements:
  • Uses a supported hardware architecture: x86_64
  • Runs a supported version of the Linux operation system (see supported versions for FlexNet inventory agent in
  • Runs the bash shell
  • Provides standard Linux utilities: awk, basename, cat, cp, cut, grep, head, mktemp, tail, tar, tr, uname
  • Has a running instance of Docker
    Note: Other container runtimes (such as podman) are not currently supported. Docker commands are issued directly by imgtrack, so the user account used to invoke imgtrack must have sufficient privileges to run the commands. See the Docker documentation for details on configuring user access.
  • Has network access to any relevant image registries where target images are saved
  • Has the target container images present in the image index for the local Docker instance, meaning that one of the following must apply:
    • An image may be pulled prior to invoking imgtrack
    • The image may be built on the local computer where imgtrack is executed
    • imgtrack may be invoked with the --pull option
      Remember: If you are using the --pull option, you must use the docker login command to authenticate with any private registries before invoking imgtrack.
  • Has network connectivity to access the inventory beacon where ndtrack is to upload the collected inventory
    Tip: It is possible (if somewhat less convenient) to use the --output-dir option to save the inventory .ndi file to a folder on the host device, and then manually move the file to another location for upload; but it is simpler if the container running the derived image has network access to the specified inventory beacon.
  • The target image must include one of the following supported C standard library implementations:
    • glibc – the standard GNU implementation
    • muslc – the standard in the Alpine Linux distribution.
    Tip: If the target image does not include any C standard library, or if it includes a different C library that is neither of the above, imgtrack considers the image to be unsupported and exits with an error.
It is assumed in these requirements that imgtrack and the Docker daemon are running on the same device.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2022 R1