FlexNet Manager Suite
2022 R1
This task outlines how to create and configure accounts for the SQL user and to
promote this user to a FlexNet Manager Suite View only operator. These accounts
are required to fetch data from FlexNet Manager Suite using BMC Atrium Integrator
Job and to populate the BMC Atrium CMDB Intermediate database.
To prepare the view-only SQL user for FlexNet Manager Suite compliance database,
begin by creating a user (for example, fnmsintegrator) for the FNMSCompliance
database that can log in using SQL Authentication.
To prepare view-only SQL user:
Open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
Expand the Security folder (first-level child of the top
SQL Server node) and right-click Logins.
Right-click fnmsintegrator user and select
Properties from the context menu.
Configure the Login properties for fnmsintegrator user as follows:
Set the Server Role as public to grant
server-wide security privileges to the user.
In the User Mapping section, select FNMSCompliance
database for this user.
Select the public and
db_datareader role membership for this
user against FNMSCompliance database.
Select db_datawriter membership
only if the fnmsintegrator user is used for populating data to
FNMSCompliance database from IntermediateDB.
Add the above user to the ComplianceOperator group
for the FNMSCompliance database. For example, the following SQL query can be
used for adding a fnmsintegrator user:
Insert into
In FlexNet Manager Suite, navigate to the system menu (
in the top right corner)
and choose Accounts.
View Only
permissions to the operator that you created
in the above steps.
Connect to SQL Management Studio as the above user to validate that these read
permissions have propagated and run the following query.
select * from ComplianceComputerCurrentUser
If the query does not return results, execute the
stored procedure
for this ComplianceOperator
as follows:
Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
Login to FNMSCompliance database as Administrator.
Execute the following against corresponding Tenant UID.
SetTenantUID '[Tenant UID]'
Declare @OutputBit BIT = 1
Declare @OperatorID INT = (select ComplianceOperatorID from ComplianceOperator where OperatorLogin = 'fnmsintegrator ')
Exec SyncPreCalculatedAccessRightsForOperator @OperatorID, 0, @OutputBit
For example, the last line may be:
EXEC SyncPreCalculatedAccessRightsForOperator 2,0,1
Retry the
SELECT on ComplianceComputerCurrentUser
to ensure it
works correctly.
Ensure that the exporter utility config file is using this SQL user in the
connection string for the FNMSCompliance database.
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2022 R1