Selecting a Step for Connected or Disconnected Modes
FlexNet Manager Suite
2022 R1
Procedural steps in an inventory adapter can be selected to run only in disconnected mode, while others are automatically disallowed in that mode.
All procedural steps of the types TargetToSource or ExecuteOnTarget are automatically disallowed in disconnected mode (such as when the adapter runs on an inventory beacon). Steps of all other types by default run in both connected and disconnected modes. Use this procedure to flag an individual step to run exclusively in disconnected mode, when it functions as an alternative to disallowed steps.
Tip: Only TargetToSource and
ExecuteOnTarget steps are disallowed for
disconnected mode. It is not possible to make steps of other types apply exclusively
to connected mode. Either they apply in both connected and disconnected modes, or
you can use this procedure to limit them to disconnected mode only.
To select a step for connected or disconnected modes:
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2022 R1