Business Adapter Mappings

FlexNet Manager Suite 2022 R1 (On-Premises)
Two business adapters are supplied as a standard part of the ServiceNow integration application for FlexNet Manager Suite, and are used in the process of transferred asset and contract data from ServiceNow to FlexNet Manager Suite. The following lists show the source data from ServiceNow, and the target (destination) fields in FlexNet Manager Suite, for each of these adapters in turn.
Tip: For special purposes, mappings can be added, removed, or changed by editing the business adapter(s) in Business Adapter Studio on your inventory beacon.

In each listing, the first field shown is used for matching existing records (a key). During import, if the value in this field already exists in the compliance database, the record is updated with the other values imported for this item. Otherwise, a new record is automatically created in FlexNet Manager Suite.

In both listings below, "display" names are the names visible in the two products' web interfaces; and the Source Field column shows a compound name made up of:
  • An abbreviated reference to a ServiceNow database table name (see below)
  • An underscore character
  • The field name in the relevant database table (which name may contain additional underscores).
The mapping of the abbreviated references to the actual database table names in the ServiceNow database is:
  • acntrct represents ast_contract
  • ahrdwr represents alm_hardware
  • cicomp represents cmdb_ci_computer
  • cmdbmdl represents cmdb_model
  • sysusr represents sys_user.

Assets Imports

  • Business adapter file name: ServiceNowAssets.xml
  • Original data source: ServiceNow database view x_fls_flexera_fnms_asset
  • Destination table in FlexNet Manager Suite database: Asset
Source Display Name Source Field Target Display Name Target Field
Serial number cicomp_serial_number Serial Number SerialNumber (key)
Asset tag ahrdwr_ asset_tag Asset Tag AssetTag
Asset Status ahrdwr_install_status Asset Status AssetStatus
Configuration Item ahrdwr_ci Name ShortDescription
Installed cicomp_install_date Installed on InstallationDate
Manufacturer cicomp_manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer
ModelNo cicomp_model_number ModelNo ModelNo
  1. AssetStatusID is a foreign key to the AssetStatus table, from which display values are drawn.
Note: AssetStatus is a mandatory field for asset records in FlexNet Manager Suite. If a record in ServiceNow has a Status value that does not exist in FlexNet Manager Suite:
  • The new status value is inserted into the AssetStatus table (you may also need to customize localized values of this status, if other languages are in use within your enterprise)
  • An AssetStatus is automatically created for this new entry
  • The AssetStatus is inserted into the asset record.
If you are 'round-tripping' this data (that is, copying it back from FlexNet Manager Suite to ServiceNow at some future point, to maintain synchronization), the new value is returned when appropriate.

Contracts Imports

  • Business adapter file name: ServiceNowContracts.xml
  • Original data source: ServiceNow database view x_fls_flexera_fnms_contract
  • Destination table in FlexNet Manager Suite database: Contract
Source Display Name Source Field Target Display Name Target Field
Contract number acntrct_vendor_ contract Contract Number ContractNo (key)
Description acntrct_description Information Comments
Display name cmdbmdl_display_name Contract type ContractTypeID [Note 1]
Ends acntrct_ends Expiry date EndDate
Short description acntrct_short_description Contract Name ContractName
Starts acntrct_starts Start date StartDate
State acntrct_state Status ContractStatusID [Note 2]
  1. ContractTypeID is a foreign key to the ContractType table, from which display values are drawn. Also see note below.
  2. ContractStatusID is a foreign key to the ContractStatus table, from which display values are drawn.
Note: ContractTypeID is a mandatory field for contract records in FlexNet Manager Suite. If a record in ServiceNow has a Display name value that does not exist in FlexNet Manager Suite:
  • The new contract type is inserted into the ContractType table (you may also need to customize localized values of this type, if other languages are in use within your enterprise)
  • An ContractTypeID is automatically created for this new entry
  • The ContractTypeID is inserted into the contract record.
If you are 'round-tripping' this data (that is, copying it back from FlexNet Manager Suite to ServiceNow at some future point, to maintain synchronization), the new value is returned when appropriate.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2022 R1