Prerequisites for Imports from Technopedia
Technopedia, and the Application Recognition Library within FlexNet Manager Suite, both provide reference data on thousands of applications from a multitude of software publishers. Because the data is collected from many different sources, there can be differences in the resulting collections. Importing the normalized data from Technopedia into FlexNet Manager Suite allows you to compare the two data collections with special "crosswalk" reports, including those which you may choose to customize for your enterprise.
The prerequisites for importing from Technopedia to FlexNet Manager Suite are as follows.
FlexNet Manager Suite prerequisites
- On-premises implementation of FlexNet Manager Suite 2020 R2 or later. (Implementations of versions of FlexNet Manager Suite prior to 2020 R2 may continue using the previously-installed version of the connector.)
- At least one inventory beacon with FlexNet Beacon 16.0.0 or later installed (version 16.0.0 of FlexNet Beacon was released with FlexNet Manager Suite 2020 R2). A suitable inventory beacon is one having reliable and high-speed network connectivity to your Technopedia database server. Only one inventory beacon should be configured with your Technopedia connector.
- Access to the Flexera Community (password required) to download the Adapter Tools for FlexNet Manager Suite 2022 archive, which includes code enhancements to enable operation of the Technopedia connector.
- Access to your chosen inventory beacon, and to your compliance database server and your batch server (or, in smaller implementations, the server hosting that functionality), with an account having administrator privileges.
- If you wish to create optional custom crosswalk reports, an operator account for FlexNet Manager Suite with access to the reports area.
Technopedia prerequisites
- Technopedia (available either as a stand-alone library, or as a component of Data Platform v5).
- The Technopedia catalog is required, and should be kept up-to-date to ensure the latest updates to Flexera ID value are available for matching.
- Permissions granted to the account running the inventory beacon engine on
your chosen inventory beacon for read-only access to connect to the
database containing the Technopedia release content, and specifically to the
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2022 R1