ImportedILMTPVUCounts Table

This table allows the summarised PVU sub capacity numbers to be imported from ILMT. These numbers are calculated by ILMT for a particular date range as PVU “reports”.

Note: To cater for multi-tenant mode, this table may contain data for multiple tenants. Access requires that the database TenantID has been set in the SQL Server connection context information. That setting filters an underlying table to produce this view of data for the single, selected tenant.
Table 1. Database columns for ImportedILMTPVUCounts table

Database Column



Type: big integer. Key

The external ID of the server to which these points apply.


Type: big integer. Key. Nullable

The external ID of the virtual machine associated with the node (server).


Type: integer. Key

The current connection ID for this data source.


Type: text (max 512 characters). Key

The name of the title these points apply to.


Type: text (max 254 characters). Key

The name of the publisher of the title these points apply to.


Type: integer

The number of sub-capacity licensable cores for the license on the computer.


Type: integer

The number of full-capacity licensable cores for the license on the computer.


Type: integer

The number of sub-capacity PVU counts consumed for the license on the computer.


Type: integer

The number of full-capacity PVU counts consumed for the license on the computer.


Type: integer

The peak number of sub-capacity PVU counts consumed for the license on the computer.


Type: integer

The peak number of full-capacity PVU counts consumed for the license on the computer.