Import cloud service provider data for Microsoft Azure virtual machines
A new Microsoft Azure inventory connector partially automates the process of gathering Microsoft Azure virtual machine inventory data, managed by Azure Resource Manager.
Microsoft Azure virtual machine inventory must still be collected using the FlexNet inventory agent (recommended) or third party inventory tools. Supplementary information is retrieved by calling Azure PowerShell modules, and then mapped to inventory devices using the universal unique identifier (UUID) of the virtual machine (also known as the Azure VM Unique ID or vmId). The imported properties of matched inventory devices are then displayed on the Cloud hosting tab of the inventory device properties page.
All data imported using the new Microsoft Azure adapter is displayed on the Cloud Service Provider Inventory page. From here you can find any gaps between the cloud inventory and inventory collected by FlexNet inventory agent or third party inventory tools. For example, if someone stands up a VM in the cloud without an installed FlexNet inventory agent, the missing inventory is highlighted on this page.
As of FlexNet Manager Suite 2018 R2, cloud instance properties are available in business import, inventory spreadsheet upload, and in custom reports, and can be used with data related to Microsoft Azure VMs.
Additional Information
The minimum version of PowerShell required is 5.1.
The Microsoft Azure adapter requires the Azure PowerShell module to be installed. This can be any version between AzureRM 6.8.1 to AzureRM 6.13.1
The new Microsoft Azure adapter requires a service principal account to operate. This account can be setup using the following Microsoft guides:
- Create an Azure service principal with Azure PowerShell:
- Use portal to create an Azure Active Directory application and service principal that can access resources:
The service principal account needs to have access to "Microsoft.Compute/VirtualMachines" with "read" permission. Microsoft now has a built-in role that is a fit for our purpose: "Virtual machine contributor".
After the installation, you will need to add "%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" to the Environment Variable: PSModulePath
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2022 R2