Creating the Staging Database Tables

FlexNet Manager Suite 2022 R2 (On-Premises)

Once your selected staging server is able to access the Microsoft SQL Server instance, you can use the provided script to create the staging database and set up the appropriate database tables. You can achieve this through SQL Server Management Studio, or from the command line as described in the following procedure.

To create the staging database from the command line:

  1. Download and install the Adapter Tools archive. For more information, see Download Adapter Tools Archive.
  2. Navigate through the unzipped archive to Adapter Tools > HP Universal Discovery Tools > SQL.
  3. If necessary, copy the script uCMDB_staging.sql from the SQL\ folder of your unzipped adapter archive to a temporary folder on your staging server.
  4. Open a command prompt on the staging server.
  5. In the command prompt window, execute the following command, as amended:
    sqlcmd -S ServerName\InstanceName -i TemporaryPath\uCMDB_staging.sql
    • The database uCMDB_staging is created with all necessary tables, indices, and so on.
    • ServerName is the name of the server hosting Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later. You can install the database on the staging server or on any remote server. You can use the name of the staging server or its IP address, or a “.” (dot) if you are running the staging script on the same server as the database instance.
    • InstanceName is the name of the database instance to use for the database staging tables. You can omit this parameter if the default instance name is being used.
    • TemporaryPath is the location where you saved the SQL procedure.
    sqlcmd -S\Development -i C:\temp\uCMDB_staging.sql

The staging database is now ready for operation.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2022 R2