Configuring the Utility for Export from FlexNet Manager Suite

FlexNet Manager Suite 2022 R2 (On-Premises)

Optionally, the configuration file for the export utility may be customized to suit your environment.

Several settings for the utility for exporting data from FlexNet Manager Suite are configurable, including:
  • The maximum number of records for each data type (hardware inventory, installed applications, and contracts) that may be transferred to ServiceNow in each export
  • The maximum number of records in each data segment or 'chunk' transferred
  • Log file location
  • Maximum retries after failure of a web request.
All reside in one configuration file, called fnmp_servicenow_export.exe.config, located in the same folder as the executable fnmp_servicenow_export.exe (which performs the data export from FlexNet Manager Suite to ServiceNow) on your batch server (or, in a smaller implementation, the server hosting the equivalent functionality). The default path is installation-directory\DotNet\bin\ServiceNowExport.

To configure exports from FlexNet Manager Suite:

  1. Save a backup copy of the configuration file, for example as fnmp_servicenow_export.exe.config.orig, so that you can revert if there are problems.
  2. Open the configuration file fnmp_servicenow_export.exe.config in your preferred XML or plain text editor. (Do not edit in a word processor that cannot save plain text files.)
  3. Optionally, customize the values for data segmentation, retries, and timeout when the executable is accessing ServiceNow.
    Path/element Attribute Default Notes
          <baseConfig /> 
    maxRetries "2" When ServiceNow is not responding, the executable will retry each connection (one for each data segment being transferred) this many times. If this number of retries is reached for any data segment, the export fails. Each successful connection resets the count to zero. (If this attribute is omitted, the executable uses a default value of 10.)
          <baseConfig />
    timeout "2000" The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a response from ServiceNow. This timer is applied independently to each connection request (at least one per data segment being transferred). If ServiceNow does not respond within this interval (default 2 seconds), a new request is issued (up to maxRetries). (If this attribute is omitted, the executable uses a default value of 30000.)
          <application />
    maxRows "500000" Specifies the maximum number of application records that can be exported in a single export.
          <contract />
    maxRows "500000" Specifies the maximum number of contract records that can be exported in a single export.
          <inventory />
    maxRows "500000" Specifies the maximum number of hardware inventory records that can be exported in a single export.
          <records />
    numRecords "2000" The number of records in each XML-based data segment to be transferred from FlexNet Manager Suite to ServiceNow. To avoid time-out issues with ServiceNow, the total exported data (in each of the three available types) is chunked into segments containing a maximum of this number of records.
  4. Optionally, configure the location for your log files.
    Path/element Attribute Default Notes
          <file />
    (All on one line)
    You may adjust the path to store the log files to suit your preference. For on-premises installations, you may also change the file name.
    With the other default values for the elements under appender, multiple passes on the same date append to the end of the log file, and a new log file is commenced each day.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2022 R2