Affected Database Tables

FlexNet Manager Suite 2022 R2 (On-Premises)
The XenApp server adapter causes data to be imported to the following database tables in the operations databases for FlexNet Manager Suite (specifically the compliance database). You may prepare custom reports against these:
  • ComplianceDomain records the domain of the XenApp server where the XenApp server agent is installed. If the record does not already exist, on import both the FQDN and the flat name are populated.
  • ComplianceUser records are created for any user names identified in the Citrix Virtual Apps inventory but not previously in the operations databases. In these new records, only the UserName, SAMAccountName, and domain are available and saved (with ComplianceUserID calculated automatically). (The domain is a link to the ComplianceDomain table, which once again is updated as required with any new records. Such updates should be rare, since domains should be identified from Active Directory.) Because the ComplianceUser records created from Citrix Virtual Apps inventory imports are far from complete, you may want to enhance these with additional information.
  • ComplianceComputer records may be created if a ComplianceUser record is created (or identified) that has no link to an existing ComplianceComputer record. For many types of license, the consumption record is linked to an individual ComplianceComputer, so when it is impossible to identify a computer for a particular ComplianceUser, a new skeleton computer record is created. These have a computer name of the form
    UserName (Remote)
    and have their type shown as Remote Device. (This type is identified through a foreign key to the ComplianceComputerType table.) They are also linked to the ComplianceUser for whom they are created.
    Tip: If, in future, inventory from another source identifies the same ComplianceUser as either the assigned user or the calculated user for a computer identified by that inventory, then this placeholder record for the remote device is removed, and any license consumption recorded against it is moved to the newly-identified (real) computer that belongs with the user.
  • For App-V applications managed by Citrix XenApp 7.5 (or later) or Citrix Virtual Apps 7.1808 (or later), or any Citrix Virtual Apps applications managed by version 6.x:
    • InstallerEvidence records are created as the primary inventory data for the use of those applications.
    • InstalledInstallerEvidence records are create to link that evidence to the appropriate ComplianceComputer records.
    • Where the application name, version, and publisher in the InstallerEvidence table match an existing evidence rule for an application, an entry is created in the SoftwareTitleInstallerEvidence table to link (by foreign keys) the installer evidence to the application record in the SoftwareTitle table.
  • For VDI applications managed by Citrix XenApp 7.5 (or later) or Citrix Virtual Apps 7.1808 (or later):
    • FileEvidence records are created as the primary inventory data for the use of those applications.
    • InstalledFileEvidence records are create to link that evidence to the appropriate ComplianceComputer records.
    • Where the file name, version, company, and description in the FileEvidence table match an existing evidence rule for an application, an entry is created in the SoftwareTitleFileEvidence table to link (by foreign keys) the file evidence to the application record in the SoftwareTitle table.
  • InstalledApplications records are created for any applications identified in the SoftwareTitle table, linking the application to the ComplianceComputer record.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2022 R2