Contracts with Expiring Terms or Conditions

FlexNet Manager Suite 2022 R2 (On-Premises)
The Procurement > Contracts with Expiring Terms or Conditions page lists those contracts that have at least one term or condition either due to expire in the near future, or already expired.
Tip: To change the period, change the value in the Expiring within the next filter top left, under the heading. You can choose the next week, two weeks (in some cultures called a fortnight), month, or quarter, all measured from today. To see those that have already expired, choose Overdue in the filter.

From this page, you can:

  • Open the properties of a contract to make changes or inspect more details (click the contract number, or select a row and click Open). You can also select multiple contracts of the same contract type, and multi-edit values they hold in common (see Multi-editing).
  • Quickly inspect which of the terms and conditions defined for the contract are at issue (click the count in the Terms or conditions expiring column; and to close the sub-table, click the X at its top right corner).
    Note: The Save view as feature of FlexNet Manager Suite enables you to create customized management views of a page by saving the applied user interface settings. For more information, see Creating Management Views.
The following contract properties are available for this list. Some are displayed by default in the list, and others are available in the column chooser.
Tip: Any custom properties that you have added for this object are also available through the column chooser. Like other properties, you can also use these properties for filtering and grouping records on this page.
Column Details
Contract no.

The identifying code for the contract.

Click this code to open the property page for the contract.

Editable in the Contract no. field in the General tab of the contract properties.

Contract type

The kind of contract.

Editable in the Contract type field in the General tab of the contract properties.

Corporate unit, Cost center, or Location

The name of the related enterprise group.

Selectable in the Ownership tab of the contract properties.

Created by

The account name of the operator who created the contract record, reflected on the History tab of the contract properties.

Creation date

The date that the record of the contract was created, reflected on the History tab of the contract properties.


The name (or brief description) of the contract.

Editable in the Description field in the General tab of the contract properties.


Displays Yes when the contract has no end date, and continues in perpetuity. Displays No when the contract expires at some point.

Editable in the General tab of the contract properties (in the Events group).

Global amount (currency)

The overall value of the contract.

Editable in the General tab of the contract properties (in the Payments group).

Master contract no.

The identifying code for the parent contract (if any) that governs or over-arches this one, making this a sub-contract.

Editable in the Master contract field in General tab of the contract properties (in the Identification group).

Primary vendor

The main company with which you concluded this contract.

Editable in the General tab of the contract properties (in the Events group).


The current standing of this contract. The following options are provided: Active, Archived, Cancelled, Completed, Draft, Expired, and Suspended.

Editable in the Status field in the General tab of the contract properties.

Terms or conditions expiring The count of those terms and conditions (T&Cs) defined for this contract that fit the terms of your filter (such as expiring this week, or this quarter).
  • To identify which are those T&Cs included in the count, click the count value. A sub-table of Terms and conditions opens at this place in the original list.
  • To make any changes (such as to extend the end dates of the T&Cs), open the properties of the contract.
  • To close the sub-table of T&Cs, click the X at its top right.
Updated by

The account name of the operator who last updated this record (as reflected in its History tab).

Updated date

The date and time when this record was last updated (as reflected in its History tab).

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2022 R2