Limiting Parallel Execution Across Tenants

FlexNet Manager Suite 2023 R1 (On-Premises)

This process applies only to multi-tenant implementations (such as for managed service providers).

In a multi-tenant environment, it is possible for many tasks to be requested at once, potentially creating load issues on the batch processor. Some limits are in place naturally: for example, execution of the ComplianceReader is generally restricted to one-per-tenant. However, in a system with many tenants, the worst case is to have each tenant running one instance, and all running at once; and there are other tasks like SAP imports that also create load on the system.

There is a database feature that allows limits to be applied to sets of batch processing task types. For example, by default a limit named ComplianceReader is given a value of 5. This limit is associated by ID with the following batch processing tasks:
  • ActiveDirectoryImport
  • DataWarehouseUpdate
  • EntitlementRecommendations
  • InventoryImport
  • InventoryImportNoStats
  • InventoryImportReaders
  • InventoryImportWriters
  • LicenseReconcile.
This means that across all tenants, there is a maximum of five of any of these tasks executing at once.
Tip: A task type may only be associated with at most one limit.
To create a limit:
  1. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, in the compliance database, insert a new row into the into BatchProcessTypeLimit table, with a unique Name and the upper limit set as the Max Tasks value, noting the BatchProcessTypeLimitID created for this record.
    For details, see FlexNet Manager Suite Schema Reference.
  2. Update the BatchProcessType table, selecting the row with the appropriate TypeName for the task in question, and inserting the BatchProcessTypeLimitID value into the column of the same name for that row.
  3. Repeat the last step for any other task types that should participate in the same limit.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2023 R1