The Purchase Order Line Object

This item maps to the PurchaseOrderLine object in the FlexNet Manager Suite compliance database. It supports the addition of custom properties through the Business Importer.

Behavior in the Business Adapter Studio

When you create new objects in the Business Adapter Studio, the Purchase Order Line appears in the Purchase Order group in the right-click context menu.


The Purchase Order Line object exposes the following properties in the data model for the Business Importer and the Business Adapter Studio.

Table 1. Data model properties for Purchase Order Line object (alphabetical listing)



Authorized By ID

Type: int.

Stores the AuthorizedByID as a foreign key to the User table in the compliance database.

Category ID

Type: varchar. Maximum: 128.

Stores the categoryID as a foreign key to the category table in the compliance database.


Type: ntext.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.Comments in the compliance database.

Contract ID

Type: int.

Stores the ContractID as a foreign key to the Contract table in the compliance database.

Corporate Unit ID

Type: varchar. Maximum: 128.

Stores the businessunitID as a foreign key to the CorporateUnit table in the compliance database.

Cost Center ID

Type: varchar. Maximum: 128.

Stores the costcenterID as a foreign key to the costcenter table in the compliance database.


Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 250. Mandatory: adapters must provide values for this column.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.ItemDescription in the compliance database.

Effective Date

Type: datetime.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.EffectiveDate in the compliance database.

Expiry Date

Type: datetime.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.ExpiryDate in the compliance database.

Include Support, Maintenance or Service Agreement

Type: bit.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.MaintenanceOrServiceAgreement in the compliance database.

Invoice Date

Type: datetime.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.InvoiceDate in the compliance database.

Invoice Number

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 50.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.InvoiceNo in the compliance database.

Location ID

Type: varchar. Maximum: 128.

Stores the locationID as a foreign key to the location table in the compliance database.

Part No/SKU

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 100.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.LicensePartNo in the compliance database.

Processed By ID

Type: int.

Stores the ProcessedByID as a foreign key to the User table in the compliance database.

Publisher ID

Type: int.

Stores the PublisherID as a foreign key to the vendor table in the compliance database.

Purchase Order ID

Type: int. Mandatory: adapters must provide values for this column.

Stores the PurchaseOrderID as a foreign key to the PurchaseOrder table in the compliance database.

Purchase Order Line Sequence

Type: int. Mandatory: adapters must provide values for this column.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.SequenceNumber in the compliance database.

Purchase Quantity

Type: int.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.Quantity in the compliance database.

Purchase Type

Type: nvarchar.

Values of Purchase Type must match those stored in the PurchaseOrderDetailType table of the compliance database.

Quantity Per Unit

Type: int.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.quantityperunit in the compliance database.

Request Date

Type: datetime.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.RequestDate in the compliance database.

Request Number

Type: nvarchar. Maximum: 120.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.RequestNo in the compliance database.

Requestor ID

Type: int.

Stores the RequestedByID as a foreign key to the User table in the compliance database.

Sales Tax

Type: float.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.SalesTax in the compliance database.

Sales Tax Currency Rate ID

Type: int.

Stores the SalesTaxRateID as a foreign key to the currencyrate table in the compliance database.

Shipping And Handling Currency Rate ID

Type: int.

Stores the ShippingAndHandlingRateID as a foreign key to the currencyrate table in the compliance database.

Shipping Date

Type: datetime.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.ShippingDate in the compliance database.

Shipping Location ID

Type: varchar. Maximum: 128.

Stores the ShippingLocationID as a foreign key to the location table in the compliance database.

Shipping and Handling

Type: float.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.ShippingAndHandling in the compliance database.


Type: nvarchar.

Values of Status must match those stored in the PurchaseOrderDetailStatus table of the compliance database.

Total Price Currency Rate ID

Type: int.

Stores the TotalPriceRateID as a foreign key to the currencyrate table in the compliance database.

Unit Price

Type: float.

Maps to PurchaseOrderLine.UnitPrice in the compliance database.

Unit Price Currency Rate ID

Type: int.

Stores the UnitPriceRateID as a foreign key to the currencyrate table in the compliance database.

Data model version 13.2

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2023 R2