Customizing a Dashboard

FlexNet Manager Suite 2023 R2 (On-Premises)

Once you add a widget to a dashboard, Flexera Analytics provides functionality to customize it. You can filter, sort, and change appearance for a widget. Each widget has its own set of parameters that you can customize. (See the Analytics online help for more about using the general user interface.)

In addition, some widgets allow you to affect the data presented in other widgets. For example, the Publisher filter widget enables you to filter which publishers’ data will appear in other widgets that report on certain application measures. The following procedure provides an example of how to customize a widget.

To customize widgets on a dashboard:

  1. Ensure you are in edit mode (click the pencil icon in the upper-left corner).
  2. Select the widget by clicking its background, then click the arrow in the upper-right corner of the box.
    The box expands showing additional parameters to customize.
  3. Click an item on the right side (such as Categories or Value) to expose a fly-out with icons for additional control. Use these icons to filter, sort, summarize, or change the way information appears in the widget.
    For example, here's how you can customize the Publisher filter widget, which then acts on the data available in other widgets. Still in edit mode:
    1. Select the Publisher filter widget, and click the arrow in the upper-right corner of the box that outlines the widget.
      The box expands showing additional parameters to customize.
    2. Select the Publisher parameter, then choose one or more of the following menu items:
      • Sort icon—This menu item allows you to sort the list of publishers in an ascending or descending order if desired.
      • Filter icon—This menu item allows you to select or clear publishers that appear in a filtered list. There are five publishers in the filtered list by default. If you limit the list to one publisher, you must change the visualization type to Hierarchy. Use the Visualization types icon in the lower-right corner to do this.
      • Top or Bottom—This menu item allows you to maintain an extensive filtered list but only report on the top five/ten or bottom five/ten values.
      You may also add attributes from the data model to add additional filtering to this widget. For example, you might continue as follows.
    3. In the side toolbar, ensure that the Flexera Data Models are visible in the Sources fly-out, and click the arrow-head beside Flexera Dimensional Model to expand it and display its members.
    4. Similarly, expand Applications, then expand Application Classification, and then drag the Application Classification attribute to the Local Filters field on the right of the expanded widget.
    5. Use the menu to select the specific type of application you want to include. The filter excludes those that you do not select.
    6. To edit the title of a widget, click its background to expose the menu of icons, and choose the pencil (Edit the title). Type your replacement title, and click elsewhere to finish.
    7. When you are satisfied with all your changes, save them by clicking the arrow in the upper-right corner of the box enclosing the expanded widget, and then click the diskette icon top left (Save).

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2023 R2