Server-Side Scheduled Tasks

FlexNet Manager Suite 2023 R2 (On-Premises)
In general, the scheduled tasks that are (by default) set up in Microsoft Task Scheduler on your central application server fall into three groups:
  • Calls to mgsimport.exe that collect various kinds of data from staging locations on the inventory server and import into the inventory database. Examples include Active Directory, FlexNet inventory, installation logs, usage records, and VDI information. In a multi-server implementation, these scheduled tasks execute on the inventory server. Data handled this way requires an additional import from the inventory database to the compliance database (executed by the batch processor, as described shortly).
  • Calls to the same mgsimport.exe that collect different kinds of data from staging locations on the inventory server and import directly into the compliance database. Examples include inventory beacon state and activity status, and discovery information. In a multi-server implementation, these scheduled tasks execute on the inventory server. Clearly, since these kinds of data have been loaded directly into the compliance database, there is no further import required.
  • Calls to the internal batch scheduler to queue various tasks, taking into account all the system interdependencies and constraints. Examples include download of the product libraries, imports from the inventory database to the compliance database, and others shown below. In a multi-server implementation, these scheduled tasks execute on the batch server. For more information on the resulting batch scheduler tasks, see Batch Scheduler Command Line.
    Note: To allow for live updates to a high-availability (running) system, all calls to the internal batch scheduler are made using a shadow copy technique to ensure that they execute in their own application domains. For more information about this approach, see Updating a Running System: Shadow Copy.
The default configuration of the Microsoft scheduled tasks is shown in the table below.
Note: The command lines shown below have been simplified for easier reading. In the scheduled tasks configured as part of product installation, the full path to each executable is included; and since the paths commonly contain spaces, they are enclosed in double quotation marks.
Scheduled task Default schedule Command Note

Data warehouse export

6am Sunday
run DataWarehouseUpdate

Export data as a snapshot to the data warehouse database (on a multi-tenant system, this is for all tenants).

Delete activity log history

4am daily

BatchProcessTask.exe run 

Truncate the execution history of scheduled batch processes.

Export to ServiceNow

3am Sunday

run ServiceNowExport
When FlexNet Manager Suite integrates with ServiceNow, ServiceNow is regarded as authoritative for asset and contract records. This process synchronizes this information. For details, see the chapter ServiceNow Integration with FlexNet Manager Suite in FlexNet Manager Suite Inventory Adapters and Connectors Reference.

FlexNet inventory data maintenance

Midnight daily

cmd.exe /c ""$(InstallDir)DotNet\
run IMDataMaintenance & 
run IMTenantDataMaintenance & 
"BatchProcessTask.exe" run 

Performs cleanup on the inventory database (containing FlexNet inventory) in FlexNet Manager Suite. This also adds discovery information for systems found in inventory but not previously discovered. The IMTenantDataMaintenance cleanup is applicable both per tenant in cloud implementations and also to a single-tenant on-premises implementation, and enforces the clean-up of Oracle instances specified in the the system menu ( in the top right corner) > System Settings > Inventory, under Oracle Database instances.

FlexNet Manager Suite database support task

Midnight daily

run FNMPDataMaintenance

Performs cleanup on the compliance database in FlexNet Manager Suite.

FNMEA Enterprise Groups export

1am daily

BatchProcessTask.exe run 

Reserved for future development.

Import Active Directory

Every 10 minutes

-- -t activedirectory

Imports into the inventory database any Active Directory data that has been uploaded from the inventory beacons to the Incoming folder. The availability of these files depends on Active Directory imports being scheduled on at least one inventory beacon. When this import is completed, a message is queued for the batch scheduler to execute BatchProcessTask.exe run ActiveDirectoryImport --"-s connectionName -e ActiveDirectory", where connectionName is replaced with the connection to the inventory database. In a multi-tenant system, the batch processing is specific to each tenant.

Import application usage logs

Every 10 minutes

-- -t usagedata

When usage tracking is configured for FlexNet inventory agent, this command imports uploaded usage records from the Incoming folder to the inventory database. This data is collected in the next inventory import (worst case is typically the daily catchup task).

Import discovery information

Every 10 minutes

-- -t discovery

Imports uploaded discovery records from the Incoming folder directly to the compliance database.

Import installation logs

Every 10 minutes

-- -t logs

Loads into the inventory database the installation records of packages required by the FlexNet inventory agent, covering schedule changes, updated rules and so on. This data is resolved into the compliance database along with the next inventory import, where currently it is used as installation evidence for the FlexNet inventory agent on the managed device.

Import inventories

Every 10 minutes

-- -t inventories

Imports all the inventory data collected by the FlexNet inventory agent and uploaded through inventory beacons, loading it from the Incoming folder to the inventory database. This data is collected in the next inventory import (worst case is typically the daily catchup task).

Import Inventory Beacon activity status

Every 10 minutes

-- -t activitystatus

Loads the activity (or process) reporting of all available inventory beacons directly to the compliance database. Examples include rule execution and gathering inventory from third-party connections, such as Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (previously Microsoft SCCM). This data feeds the listing available in the system menu ( in the top right corner) > Data Inputs.

Import Inventory Beacon status

Every 10 minutes

-- -t beaconstatus

Loads the state (or condition) reporting of all available inventory beacons directly to the compliance database. Examples include whether the FlexNet Beacon software has any known issues, the state of its services, its settings for uploading to its parent (either the central application server or another inventory beacon in the hierarchy), and the like. This data feeds the listing available in Discovery & Inventory > Beacons (in the Network group).

Import remote task status information

Every 10 minutes

-- -t ActionStatus

Deprecated: no remaining function. You may disable this task.

Import SAP inventories

10pm daily
run SAPInventoryImport

Imports inventory from FlexNet Manager for SAP Applications that has been uploaded into the Incoming folder, writing the results into the compliance database.

Import SAP package license

6am Sunday
BatchProcessTask.exe run 

Imports the licenses calculated by SAP, writing results into the compliance database.

Import SAP user and activity information

Midnight Sunday

BatchProcessTask.exe run 

Perform an SAP user and activity information import from the SAP system defined in the web interface.

Import security event information

Every 10 minutes

-- -t securityevent

Deprecated: no remaining function. You may disable this task.

Import system status information

Every 10 minutes

-- -t systemstatus

Deprecated: no remaining function. You may disable this task.

Import VDI access data

Every 10 minutes

-- -t vdiAccess

Imports data on which users can access virtual desktops from the Incoming folder to the inventory database. This data is collected in the next inventory import (worst case is typically the daily catchup task).

Inventory import and license reconcile

2am daily

run InventoryImport

Perform a full inventory import from all connections, followed by a license recalculation (reconciliation). In a multi-tenant implementation, this is for all tenants. For more information, see the corresponding entry in Batch Scheduler Command Line.

Recognition data import

1am daily
run ARLDownload

Schedules the download of the Application Recognition Library, the SKU library, the EOSL data, and the PURL to the appropriate locations. (The base location for the saved downloads defaults to %PROGRAMDATA%\Flexera Software\FlexNet Manager Platform\DataImport\Content, and may be customized in the registry of your batch server at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Compliance\CurrentVersion\Recognition\ContentImportDirectory.) Only one instance of the ARL download task can run at a time. The batch scheduler automatically precedes the download with a cleanup of the previous downloads, and adds follow-on tasks for the import of the downloaded data.

Regenerate Business Import config

5:30am daily
BatchProcessTask.exe run 

Updates the data model (FNMPDataModel.ini), the DDI files, and the CSV templates used by the Business Importer (and therefore the Business Adapter Studio), and initiates downloads to the inventory beacons. This update is particularly valuable for keeping the Business Importer up to date with changes to custom properties.

Send contract notifications

Midnight daily


Update FlexNet Manager Suite software usage history

4am daily
BatchProcessTask.exe run 

Take a snapshot of all current licenses for use in reporting (to improve reporting performance).

Note: mgsimport.exe has an additional optional parameter, -async, which allows it to import multiple files asyncronously (effectively, in parallel). This option is intended for internal use in testing; and, if you are an advanced administrator customizing any of the scheduled tasks above, you should test its effects carefully in your environment before including it in a production scheduled task.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2023 R2