Installing and Configuring the Inventory Export Tool

FlexNet Manager Suite 2023 R2 (On-Premises)

It is convenient to start this process logged into your FlexNet Manager Suite application server (in larger implementations where you have scaled up to multiple servers, use the batch server). Use an account with administrator privileges, or at least sufficient privileges to copy executables between folders and execute them.

After installation, the configuration process mainly consists of running the tool with appropriate command-line parameters. These simple steps are included in the following process.

To install and configure FlexNet Manager Suite Inventory Export Tool:

  1. If you do not already have an API access token for Software Vulnerability Manager, obtain one:
    Tip: Managed service providers (MSPs) must have a separate company account for Software Vulnerability Manager available for each tenant, and must provide a distinct API access token for each tenant.
    1. Log into Software Vulnerability Manager as an administrator user with sufficient privileges to access the Settings tab. (It is disabled if you do not meet this requirement.)
    2. Navigate to Settings > API > Tokens.
      The Tokens page lists all generated tokens, with each user account having a pre-generated token available.
    3. For the User account that will import the data from FlexNet Manager Suite and manage the resulting asset list, expand the value in the Token column by clicking the trailing ellipsis ().
    4. Select the token value, copy, and save it conveniently for use at the end of this process. (You may then log out of Software Vulnerability Manager.)
  2. Use your browser to access the Flexera Customer Community.
    1. On, use the account details emailed to you with your order confirmation from Flexera to log in (using the Login link in the top right).
      Tip: Access requires your Customer Community user name and password. If you do not have one, click the Let's go! button on the login page to request one. Your credentials are configured for access to content you have licensed.
    2. Select Find My Product and choose FlexNet Manager from the top menu. Now click the button PRODUCT RESOURCES - PRODUCT INFORMATION which will expose the Download Products and Licenses link. Click on this option.
      A routing page appears to let you Access Product and License Center, displaying lists of products from Flexera.
    3. In the lists of products, identify FlexNet Manager Platform, and immediately below it, click LET'S GO.
      The Product and License Center site displays.
    4. In the Your Downloads section of the Home page, click the link for FlexNet Manager Platform.
    5. In the Download Packages page, click the link for FlexNet Manager Platform 2023 R2 to access the downloads.
  3. Select the FlexNet Manager Suite SVM inventory export tool archive (FlexNet Manager Suite SVM inventory export, and save to a convenient location (such as C:\temp) on the server.
  4. Right-click the downloaded zip archive, choose Extract All..., and save to a convenient location (such as C:\Temp\FNMS-SVM).
  5. From the extracted archive, copy the following files into bin folder of your FlexNet Manager Suite installation on this server (the default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Flexera Software\FlexNet Manager Platform\DotNet\bin):
    • FNMS-SVM.exe
    • FNMS-SVM.exe.config
    • Flexera.SVM.Export.dll.
  6. Open a command-line window, and navigate to the bin directory where you have placed those files, ready to configure the tool.
  7. Use the following command once to configure the tool:
    FNMS-SVM.exe set -u svmUploadLocation -a svmAccessToken
    Both options are mandatory.
    Note: Managed service providers (MSPs) must make every command specific to an individual tenant account by supplying the --tenantUID parameter whenever Inventory Export Tool is invoked.
    Replace the placeholders as follows:
    Placeholder Replacement
    The URL for uploads to Software Vulnerability Manager. If the URL happens to include spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks (which are otherwise optional). A typical example is:
    Replace with the access token for the user account (in Software Vulnerability Manager) that will receive the data exported by the tool. (You may have obtained this token at the start of this process.) For example:

    Managed service providers (MSPs) must include the 16-digit --tenantUID parameter while providing both the URL and a unique access token for each tenant. For normal, single-tenant on-premises installations, do not use this option.

    Tip: The values you declare are written to the ComplianceTenantSetting table of the compliance database for subsequent use. If you change the upload location (such as from a UAT to a production address) or received a different token, re-run the utility as above with the new values for both options.
  8. Optionally, modify the location where log files are created.
    By default, the FNMS-SVM.log file is written to the C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Compliance\Logging\SVM folder. To change this location, edit the FNMS-SVM.exe.config XML file, saving it back to the bin folder again afterward (see Customizing the Configuration File).
  9. Optionally, test the tool to assess the exported data.
    The dump command drops the exported data into a .csv file on the server where the Inventory Export Tool is installed. The command is:
    FNMS-SVM.exe dump -f folderPath
    (The folderPath does not include the file name, which is automatically generated.) This command saves a tab-delimited .csv file, showing all exported data, in the folder identified in the command.
The Inventory Export Tool is now ready for operation. When you invoke the tool with the export command (and, for single tenant implementations, no other options), it exports the full dataset of:
  • All applications installed in your enterprise (regardless of how the application records were created)
  • All installer evidence found in your enterprise that has not yet been linked to any application record.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2023 R2