Setting Up Scheduled Imports of Inventory from Spreadsheets
FlexNet Manager Suite
2023 R2
On an inventory beacon, you can set up a repeatable, automatic uploading of selected spreadsheet files of inventory data to FlexNet Manager Suite.
Tip: Importing .xlsx files requires that you have
installed a 32-bit version of Microsoft Access Database Engine on the inventory beacon that performs the import. (This requirement does not apply to
.csv files.)
Important: If it is not the first time that you are
importing a spreadsheet file into FlexNet Manager Suite, the values already
imported with the previous file will be updated and overwritten accordingly. Any
update of a previously uploaded spreadsheet file:
- Updates the data saved from any modified rows.
- Inserts data found in new rows.
- Deletes the data from the operational database that was previously imported from rows that have since been removed from the new spreadsheet file.
- Deletes duplicate rows. If a duplicate row is identified, only a single entry is created. Identification is based on matching the values in key columns. For example, if the keys match, but some of the other data is different, the first row of the two is kept, while all duplicate rows that follow are discarded.
Templates are available through the inventory beacon (as described below), or you can reuse templates downloaded for one-off uploads through the web interface of FlexNet Manager Suite (provided that these have not been renamed).
To schedule regular imports of inventory spreadsheets:
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2023 R2