Configuring Google OAuth 2.0

FlexNet Manager Suite 2024 R1 (On-Premises)

Before configuring Google OAuth 2.0, you must have an operational implementation of FlexNet Manager Suite. As always, by default this implementation is configured for Windows Authentication. You also require access to the unzipped installation archive that you downloaded for the installed version of FlexNet Manager Suite.

To configure integration between FlexNet Manager Suite and Google OAuth 2.0:

  1. Use the Google API console for your integration project to set the URI for FlexNet Manager Suite, and collect the client ID and client secret provided by Google.
    For information on using the Google API console, see
    1. Set the Authorized redirect URI value for your project to the following:
      • protocol is either http (where SSL is not in use) or https (where SSL is in use)
      • domain is the full-qualified domain name of your FlexNet Manager Suite application server (or, in a multi-server implementation, your web application server).
    2. Complete the required details and click Create to establish your Google API Console project.
    3. From the resulting OAuth client dialog box, copy and save the Client ID and Client secret.
      The Client ID identifies FlexNet Manager Suite, allowing it to access enabled Google APIs. The client secret acts somewhat like a password. However, it does not require encrypted storage: although it is not revealed to the person logging in, it is passed to the Google login servers in clear text, as defined by the OAuth protocol.
  2. On your application server (or, in a multi-server implementation, your web application server), complete the following procedure:
    1. Open a PowerShell command-line window.
    2. Access the unzipped downloaded archive of the FlexNet Manager Suite installer, and navigate into the ...\Support folder.
    3. If you have not done so already, set the PowerShell permissions with the following command:
      set-executionpolicy AllSigned -Force
      The -Force parameter suppresses a confirmation dialog. If you choose not to include it, respond to the warning dialog with the default Y.
    4. Run the following command (all on one line):
          "Config\FNMS Google Authentication Config.xml" 
      The FlexNet Manager Suite configuration dialog appears.
    5. Complete the following details:
      • Client ID — Insert the client ID copied from the Google API console.
      • Client secret — Insert the client secret associated with your FlexNet Manager Suite project in Google
      • Username — Supply the Google account (user name) used to create a FlexNet Manager Suite administrator.
    1. Click Ok.
The PowerShell script completes the configuration of FlexNet Manager Suite:
  • Any existing operator accounts set up for Windows Authentication are invalidated. (You may save these for a future switch back to Windows Integrated Authentication. Until then, you may choose to disable these operator accounts in the Accounts page.)
  • A single operator is created using the supplied Google account name, and this operator is assigned to the Administrator role. This administrator may now authorize other operator accounts.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2024 R1