Configuring Your Identity Provider to Recognize FlexNet Manager Suite

FlexNet Manager Suite 2024 R1 (On-Premises)

So far, the tasks have covered the configuration needed on the service provider side of the communication. It is also necessary to configure your identity provider so that it can integrate with FlexNet Manager Suite as an authorized service provider.

To prepare, have the following information at hand:
  • The entityId provided for FlexNet Manager Suite
  • The full-qualified domain name of your application server (or, in a multi-server implementation, your web application server)
  • The public key certificate identifying FlexNet Manager Suite, ready to upload (if signing and/or encryption is required).

To configure your identity provider:

  1. Log in to your identity provider, and complete the following information.
    Different identity providers use different naming conventions for these data elements. The following table lists the
    FNMS Google G Suite Okta Salesforce Notes
    entityId Entity ID Audience URI (SP Entity ID) Entity Id

    The unique identifier for FlexNet Manager Suite as a service provider.

    entityId n.a. SP Issuer n.a.

    Same as above.


    ACS URL Single sign on URL ACS URL
    • Not using SSL: http://wapsvr/Suite/Saml2/Acs
    • Using SSL: https://wapsvr/Suite/Saml2/Acs
    where wapsvr is the fully-qualified domain name of your web application server.

    Supported bindings: HTTP-Post, HTTP-Redirect.


    n.a. Single Logout URL n.a.
    • Not using SSL: http://wapsvr/Suite/Saml2/Logout
    • Using SSL: https://wapsvr/Suite/Saml2/Logout
    where wapsvr is the fully-qualified domain name of your web application server.

    Supported bindings: HTTP-Post, HTTP-Redirect.

    Start URL

    Start URL n.a. Start URL
    • Not using SSL: http://wapsvr/Suite
    • Using SSL: https://wapsvr/Suite
    where wapsvr is the fully-qualified domain name of your web application server. This is the start page for FlexNet Manager Suite.
    SP Certificate n.a. Signature Certificate Verify Request Signatures (check box)

    See next step.

  2. If you are using signing or encryption for SAML assertions, follow the instructions provided by your identity provider to upload the public key digital certificate created for FlexNet Manager Suite.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2024 R1