Appendix A- Template Details for CAL Usage Inventory Upload

FlexNet Manager Suite 2024 R1 (On-Premises)

You can import CAL usage inventory through spreadsheet imports when you cannot collect access evidence for the accessed server applications. You can schedule regular inventory imports through the FlexNet Beacon, or you can use the Inventory Data One-Off Uploads feature (see Data Inputs in the online help) to upload CAL usage inventory spreadsheet. For more information on inventory uploads, see the Importing Inventory Spreadsheets and CSV Files chapter of this guide.

To upload CAL usage inventory, the spreadsheet template should be populated with at least all mandatory (Required) columns, and uploaded to FlexNet Manager Suite. The following table describes the columns of the CAL Usage Inventory spreadsheet template, accessible through the Inventory Data One-Off Upload page:

Column Description Mandatory


The number of times that the server application was accessed.



The date on which the server application was accessed. No


The ComputerName of the accessing device (through which the server application was accessed). No, if AccessingUser is specified.


The domain name of the accessing device. No


The IP address of the accessing device. No, if AccessingUser is specified.


The serial number of the accessing device. No


The DOMAIN/SAMAccountName for the accessing user.

No, if AccessingDeviceIPAddress or AccessingDeviceComputerName is specified.


The ComputerID of the accessed device (where the server application has been installed). It must match the ComputerID specified for this device in the Computer spreadsheet, or the row will be ignored. Uploading the Computer spreadsheet is mandatory with the CAL inventory upload. Yes


The edition of the accessed server application as reported by the access evidence. This data is not used for access recognition. No


Inventory date of the evidence. If not provided, defaults to the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).



The product name of the accessed application as reported by the access evidence. For all supported server applications except Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (previously Microsoft SCCM), the Version and Edition (if present) is included in the ProductName. For example, Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise Preview



The version of the accessed server application as reported by the access evidence.
Note: This column should be populated only for Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (previously Microsoft SCCM).

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2024 R1