Creating a New Section Within a Tab

FlexNet Manager Suite 2024 R1 (On-Premises)

Execute the following in SQL Server Management Studio against your FNMSCompliance database, referencing an existing tab.

EXEC dbo.AddSectionToWebUIPropertiesPage
        @TargetTypeID = TargetTypeID,
        @ExcludeTargetSubTypeIDs = 'TargetSubTypeID,TargetSubTypeID,...',
        @Name = 'My_Unique_Name',
        @CultureType = 'ISOCultureCode',
        @DisplayNameInPage = 'Prompt value',
        @TabName = 'tabInternalName',
        @UIInsertTypeID = UIInsertTypeID,
        @RelativePositionTo = 'RelativePositionTo'
Type Description
@TargetTypeID Mandatory. Integer that identifies the type of object to which you are adding a custom property. For supported objects and their integer equivalents for TargetTypeID, see Objects You Can Customize.
Mandatory. A comma-separated list (enclosed in single quotation marks) of integer subtype IDs. For the default case of no exclusions, give this parameter an empty list:
@ExcludeTargetSubTypeIDs = '',
Many types of target objects have subtypes (for example, assets may be workstations, routers, and so on). By default, a custom property added to an object (identified by its TargetTypeID) is added to all subtypes of that object. However, you can exclude any subtypes you choose with this parameter. For supported subtypes and their integer equivalents for TargetSubTypeID, see Objects You Can Customize.
@Name Mandatory. The internal name (used in code and database) of the new section you are adding. This name must be unique across all sections in the system (including the factory-supplied sections, across all database objects). For this reason, it is strongly recommended that you adopt a stringent naming convention, such as a company name space, an object type, optionally a tab name, and a section name (example: MyCoLicenseChargebackGeneral). The name is limited to 256 characters, and only alphanumeric ASCII characters (A-Z, a-z, and 0-9) are acceptable. Using any other characters results in an error message:
Input @Name contains invalid character
Tip: Keep in mind that this name is internal, and not displayed to operators. For a name visible to others, see @DisplayNameInPage below, which supports a wider range of characters.
@CultureType Default value is en-US. Value is a five-character ISO code for culture (enclosed in single quotation marks). The permitted values are available at
@DisplayNameInPage Mandatory. This is the label (enclosed in single quotation marks) displayed above the section in the web interface for FlexNet Manager Suite when the culture setting for the interface matched the one you declare in CultureType. You can also provide localized values for this label using different culture settings, for which see Localizing Display Names of Custom Properties.
@TabName Optional when @UIInsertTypeID = 3, and ignored for any other value. Provides the internal name the tab at the start of which the new section is to be inserted. If used, the tab name must be 80 characters or less, and enclosed inside single quotation marks. (If TabName is not specified, the value of RelativePositionTo is used.) For internal names of factory-supplied controls, see the subtopics under Positioning Your Custom Control.
@UIInsertTypeID Mandatory. An integer indicating the position of this new section relative to the control identified in RelativePositionTo. For integer values and their meaning, see Positioning Your Custom Control. Note that in this case of creating a new section, the value 3 means at the start of the tab identified in TabName, meaning that RelativePositionTo is irrelevant in that case.
@RelativePositionTo Mandatory when UIInsertTypeID has a value other than 3; and when @UIInsertTypeID = 3, one of RelativePositionTo or TabName is required. The internal name of the anchor control relative to which you are positioning your new custom section. For internal names of factory-supplied controls, see the subtopics under Positioning Your Custom Control. When used with @UIInsertTypeID = 3, RelativePositionTo must be the name of a tab that has already been defined (and not any other kind of control).

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2024 R1