Customizing a Drop-Down List

FlexNet Manager Suite 2024 R1 (On-Premises)
Tip: You might need to check if the drop-down list you are about to modify can be customized: for details, see Customizable Drop-Down Lists.
Restriction: While you can use this process to add a custom option (including localization) within a standard drop-down list shipped with FlexNet Manager Suite, it is not currently possible to localize the options within an entirely new custom drop-down list.

Before adding, removing, or changing a value on one of the customizable lists, you must make an equivalent change to the ComplianceResourceString database table. You can then update the database table that corresponds to the drop-down list you are modifying.

To customize a drop-down list:

  1. Run SQL Server Management Studio and modify the rows in the ComplianceResourceString database table.
  2. Open an SQL database table that corresponds to the drop-down list you want to customize, and add the new values.
    Note: The values that you add must be unique within the table they are being added to.
The following SQL example illustrates how two entries (Dame and Earl) are added to the ComplianceResourceString and UserTitle tables, and how the ResourceStringCultureType table is updated:
INSERT INTO dbo.ComplianceResourceString (ResourceString)
VALUES ('UserTitle.Dame')
INSERT INTO dbo.ComplianceResourceString (ResourceString)
VALUES ('UserTitle.Earl')
INSERT INTO dbo.UserTitle (DefaultString, ResourceString)
VALUES ('Dame', 'UserTitle.Dame')
INSERT INTO dbo.UserTitle (DefaultString, ResourceString)
VALUES ('Earl', 'UserTitle.Earl')
INSERT INTO dbo.ResourceStringCultureType (ResourceString, CultureType, ResourceValue)
VALUES ('UserTitle.Dame', 'en-US', 'Dame')
INSERT INTO dbo.ResourceStringCultureType (ResourceString, CultureType, ResourceValue)
VALUES ('UserTitle.Earl', 'en-US', 'Earl')
--- Refer to the ComplianceCultureType table for a list of valid language
--- values for your enterprise.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2024 R1