Internal Property Names for Licenses
The properties for software licenses are represented in the tables below, with a separate table for
each tab displayed in the web interface (or UI). The first column (for sections
with their own heading) and second column (for fields and other kinds of UI controls
displayed within each section) show the labels displayed in the default culture
. The right-most column displays the identity of that control within
the underlying system. You must use these identity names when you reference any UI control
as an anchor for relative positioning of your new custom control.
Tab label: Compliance
Database identity: Tab_Compliance.
Section | Control | Internal Name |
Compliance | Section_Compliance | |
Compliance status | ComplianceStatus | |
Shortfall/Availability | Available | |
Breach reason | BreachReason | |
Entitlements and consumption | EntitlementsAndConsumption | |
Licensed from PO | PurchasedFromPO | |
Allocated | NumberAllocated | |
Extra entitlements | ExtraEntitlements | |
Used | Used | |
Raw consumption | RawConsumption | |
Raw usage count | RawUserCount | |
NUP minimum | NUPMinimum | |
Peak consumed | PeakConsumption | |
Raw installations | RawInstallation | |
PUR savings | PURSavings | |
Total entitlements | TotalPurchased | |
Consumed entitlements | AdjustedConsumption | |
Consumption as at | ConsumedDate |
Tab label: Identification
Database identity: Tab_Identification.
Section | Control | Internal Name |
Identification | Section_Identification | |
Publisher | Publisher | |
Name | Name | |
License type | LicenseType | |
Subject to true up | SubjectToTrueUp | |
Copy Version and Edition from the most recent application | CopyVersionEdition | |
Version | Version | |
Edition | Edition | |
Duration | Duration | |
Purchased as | PurchasedAs | |
Expiry date | ExpiryDate | |
Status | LifeCycle | |
Retirement date | RetirementDate | |
Retirement reason | RetirementReason | |
Resale price | ResalePriceLink | |
Metric | SoftwareLicenseMetricID | |
Set Compliance status manually | ManuallySetComplianceStatus | |
Resources consumed | ResourcesConsumed | |
SAP type | SAPType | |
Measurement date | MeasurementDate | |
Tier type | TierType | |
Tier code | TierCode | |
Processors limit | ProcessorsLimit | |
Cores limit | CoresLimit | |
Legacy type | LegacyType | |
Maximum sockets | MaximumSockets | |
Minimum users | MinimumUsers | |
Apply user limit per processor core | ApplyUserLimitPerCore | |
Minimum processors | MinimumProcessors | |
Points rule set | PointsRuleSet | |
Category | CategoryPath | |
Serial number | SerialNumber | |
Notes | Notes | |
License keys | Section_LicenseKeys | |
Rule | RuleType | |
License key | LicenseKey |
Tab label: Applications
Database identity: Tab_Applications.
Section | Control | Internal Name |
Licensed software | Section_LicensedSoftware | |
Title | ApplicationTitle | |
Highest version | HighestVersion | |
Applications included in this license | Section_IncludedApplications | |
Grid | Applications |
Tab label: Purchases
Database identity: Tab_Purchases.
Section | Control | Internal Name |
Purchase price | Section_PurchasePrice | |
Override unit price | PurchasePrice | |
Purchases | Section_PurchaseOrderLineItems | |
Grid | Purchases |
Tab label: Financial
Database identity: Tab_Financial
Section | Control | Internal Name |
Charges | Section_Charges | |
Amount | Amount | |
Frequency | Frequency | |
Resale | Section_Resale | |
Resale price | ResalePrice | |
Recipient | Recipient |
Tab label: Contracts
Database identity: Tab_Contracts.
Section | Control | Internal Name |
Related contracts | Section_Contracts | |
Grid | Contracts |
Tab label: Consumption
Database identity: Tab_Consumption.
Section | Control | Internal Name |
Normal user equivalents | Section_UserEquivalents | |
Infrequent user | InfrequentUser | |
External user | ExternalUser | |
Bulk user counts | Section_BulkUserCounts | |
Additional infrequent users | AdditionalInfrequentUsers | |
Additional external users | AdditionalExternalUsers | |
Related users | Section_RelatedEmployees | |
Related devices | Section_RelatedComputers | |
Alternate bulk user count | Section_AlternateBulkUserCount | |
Non-inventoried users | AlternateNonInventoriedUsers | |
Users related to this license | Section_OracleUsers | |
Grid | OracleUserConsumption |
Tab label: Restrictions
Database identity: Tab_Restrictions.
Section | Control | Internal Name |
Scope restrictions | Section_ScopeRestrictions | |
Restrict to OS | Restrict_OS | |
Grid | Restrictions |
Tab label: Ownership
Database identity: Tab_Ownership.
Section | Control | Internal Name |
Ownership and access rights | Section_Ownership |
Tab label: Documents
Database identity: Tab_Documents
Section | Control | Internal Name |
Related documents | Section_Documents | |
Grid | DocumentChanges |
Tab label: History
Database identity: Tab_History.
Section | Control | Internal Name |
History of changes to this license | Section_History | |
Grid | History | |
Created by | CreatedBy | |
Creation date | CreationDate | |
Last updated by | LastUpdatedBy | |
Last updated date | LastUpdatedDate |
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2024 R1