Installation Fact: Measures

FlexNet Manager Suite 2024 R1 (On-Premises)
The Installation fact allows tracking of software installations over time. The Installation fact supports the following measures. These general comments apply to all measures:
  • For each measure, the figure shown is the maximum value found in all data snapshots included in your reporting period.
  • All values are filtered by the access rights of the current operator (or report user). Access rights are managed through roles to which the operator is assigned, using enterprise groups of various kinds as filters. For example, if operator Sam is denied access to data from your North American location (and its children), then a report entry for license consumption in your Chicago office always shows zero when viewed by Sam, regardless of how many licenses are really consumed in Chicago.
  • Since you may build a report using any combination of enterprise groups, the totals described for the following measures may be segmented across those groups, as expected. This subtotalling and segmentation effect is omitted from the following descriptions for simplicity.
Table 1. Measures for the Installation fact (alphabetical listing)
Measure Notes
Installed (max qty)

The total number of application installations, as filtered by your chosen dimensions and identified in the most recent compliance calculation before the snapshot.

Related management view: License Compliance > Installed Applications.

Database reference: This is always a calculated value, not stored in the operations databases;, but is the count of records for the matching application in the InstalledSoftwareData table.

Data warehouse reference: InstallationData table, InstalledCount column.

Installed on VMs (max qty)

The subset of the total application installations that are on devices identified as virtual machines. This is not relevant to license consumption, since these installations may be covered by special rights, or by exemptions, or in other ways so that they do not consume from a license.

Related management view: No direct equivalent.

Database reference: This is always a calculated value, not stored in the operations databases. The InstalledSoftwareData table records for the appropriate SoftwareTitleID (application) provide values for all relevant ComplianceComputerID (computers where the software is installed), as a foreign key to the ComplianceComputer table. The value is the count of these records where ComplianceComputerTypeID = 3 (virtual device).

Data warehouse reference: InstallationData table, VirtualEnvironmentCount column.

Licensable installations (max qty)

The subset of the total application installations that appear to be licensable (regardless of whether or not they are currently consuming from a license).

Related management view: In application properties, on the Devices tab, you can add the Licensable column, and filter for Yes. The results returned gives the equivalent count for the chosen application.

Database reference: This is always a calculated value, not stored in the operations databases. The SoftwareTitle table must have a IsLicensable value of true, and for everything except Oracle Instances, it is the count of installations found, as all of these must be accounted for in the compliance calculations. (It does not take account of device role exceptions and the like, as these depend on the license rather than the application.) In the case of Oracle Instances, there is an additional check that counts only those which are used as requiring licenses.

Data warehouse reference: InstallationData table, LicensableInstalledCount column.

Licensed (max qty)

The subset of the total application installations that have been covered by a license (and are consuming license entitlements) in the most recent compliance calculation before the snapshot.

Related management view: License Compliance > Installed Applications, filtered by application name and Licensed = Yes.

Database reference: This is always a calculated value, not stored in the operations databases; but is the count of records for the matching application in the InstalledSoftwareData table that have the IsLicensed column set to true.

Data warehouse reference: InstallationData table, LicensedCount column.

Used (max qty)

The subset of the total application installations that appear to be in use as at the most recent compliance calculation before the snapshot.

Related management view: License Compliance > Installed Applications, filtered by application name and with Usage column displayed (this gives the count).

Database reference: This is always a calculated value, not stored in the operations databases; but is the count of records for the matching application in the InstalledSoftwareData table that have the IsUsed column set to true.

Data warehouse reference: InstallationData table, UsedCount column.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2024 R1