Batch Processing Constraints

FlexNet Manager Suite 2024 R1 (On-Premises)

The batch scheduler imposes the following constraints on tasks that are queued for the batch processor. (These collections or groupings of tasks are labeled 'bands' to avoid confusion with database groups in massive implementations.)

Constraints are of two types:
  • Within each of the following bands, for the scope(s) described, only one task may run at a time.
  • Between certain bands, as specified below, operations are mutually exclusive. For example, any running task in band A prevents any task in band E from starting.

Therefore, when ActiveDirectoryImport is running, it blocks all other tasks in band A (unique task within band) and all tasks in band E (mutually exclusive bands).

Band A: Inventory imports

For each tenant (on a multi-tenant system), or across the system (for an on-premises implementation), only one of the following tasks can be run at a time:
  • ActiveDirectoryImport
  • DataWarehouseUpdate
  • DataWarehouseUpdateRights
  • EntitlementRecommendations
  • InventoryImport
  • InventoryImportNoStats
  • InventoryImportReaders
  • InventoryImportSpreadsheet
  • InventoryImportWriters
  • LicenseReconcile
  • OracleGlasEvidenceFileGeneration (mutually exclusive with all tasks in either band B [Business imports] and band E [Content])

Band B: Business imports

For each group (in a massive implementation with multiple compliance databases), or across the system (for an on-premises implementation), only one of the following tasks can be run at a time:
  • BusinessAdapterImport
  • EnterpriseGroupImport
  • IBMPassportAdvantage
  • POLineImport
  • UserAssignmentImport

Band C: SAP imports

For each tenant (on a multi-tenant system), or across the system (for an on-premises implementation), only one of the tasks in band C or D can be run at a time:
  • SAPInventoryImport
  • SAPLicensePositionCalculation
  • SAPPackageLicenseImport
  • SAPUserAndActivityImport
  • SAPUserRecommendationsExport

Band D: SAP business imports

These tasks remain mutually exclusive with those in band C (SAP imports), but in addition are mutually exclusive with band B (Business imports):
  • SAPTransactionProfileImport
  • SAPUserConsumptionImport
  • SAPUserImport
  • SAPUserRoleImport

Band E: Content

Across the system (or across a group, for those massive implementations), only one of the following tasks can be run at a time:
  • ARLCleanup
  • ARLDownload
  • ARLImport
  • SoftwareSKUAndLicenseDefinitionUpdates

Band F: General

For any individual tenant, only one instance of each of the following tasks can run at a time (no parallel instances of the same task, but these tasks are not mutually exclusive):
  • ActivityLogHistoryDelete
  • BaselineImportProcessing
  • BusinessAdapterConfig
  • CognosTenantSync
  • FlexeraSaaSmanagerImport (mutually exclusive with all tasks in band E - Content)
  • FNMEAEnterpriseGroupExport (mutually exclusive with all tasks in band B - Business imports)
  • FNMPDataMaintenance
  • FNMPSoftwareUsageHistoryUpdate
  • FNMSDashboardUpdate (mutually exclusive with DataWarehouseUpdateRights and DataWarehouseUpdate in band A - Inventory imports)
  • FNMSPrecalcUpdate
  • GenerateOracleLMSArchive
  • IMDataMaintenance (one running instance per group, where groups apply; and otherwise one per system for this task)
  • IMTenantDataMaintenance
  • IMTenantObsoleteInventoryMaintenance (mutually exclusive with all tasks in band A - Inventory imports)
  • ServiceNowExport (mutually exclusive with all tasks in either band A [Inventory imports] and band B [Business imports])

Mutually-exclusive bands

When two bands are mutually exclusive, it means that any task from either band blocks all tasks from the other band.
  • Band A (Inventory imports) and band E (Content) are mutually exclusive
  • Band D (SAP business imports) and band B (Business imports) are mutually exclusive
  • Some members in band F (General), as marked, are mutually exclusive with tasks in bands A and/or B.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2024 R1