Managing IBM RVU MAPC Licenses

FlexNet Manager Suite 2024 R1 (On-Premises)

As you prepare to manage your IBM PVU licenses, be aware that IBM auditors typically require reports of your IBM RVU (Resource Value Unit) license consumption at the same time as you deliver your IBM PVU reports.

Because IBM RVU may measure a wide variety of resources not directly measurable in your computing estate, these licenses are not affected by imported inventory, and their consumption is not automatically updated in the overnight license reconciliation calculations.

However, there is one measure (or metric) available in IBM RVU licenses that is of particular interest to IBM auditors looking at sub-capacity license consumption: Managed Activated Processor Cores (MAPC), identified within FlexNet Manager Suite as Activated Processor Cores. Like IBM PVU licenses, this metric introduces the concept of the highest number of RVUs (in this case, processor cores) consumed by a licensed application – that is, management over time becomes important.

In summary, the generalized IBM RVU license type does not support automatically updating the peak number of processor cores; but this is exactly the kind of historically-aware calculation supported by the IBM PVU license type. As a result, you should use the following approach for automatically calculating consumption of MAPC units. The basis is to use a PVU license type to automatically track the RVU processor cores for you.

To manage consumption and reporting of MAPC in IBM RVU licenses:

  1. Create an IBM PVU license (not a typo – PVU), and link this to the relevant application(s).
    Tip: If you are using automatic creation of licenses from purchases, you may already have an IBM RVU license created for these applications. The easiest approach then is to change the License type setting on the Identification tab of the license properties. Thereafter, you must follow steps 2 and 3 below, and then wait for the next overnight reconciliation (or run an additional one, if you are in a role with administrator privileges) to restore correct consumption results for your modified license(s).
    Consider giving this license a name that helps you to manage it. For example, include something like RVU-as-PVU, or [RVU MAPC], in the license name, so it is quick and easy to identify in license lists.
  2. On the Identification tab of the license properties:
    1. In the Points rule set field, enter MAPC and click Search.
    2. In the result table, select the row with Points rule set name showing MAPC, and click Add points rule set.
      This rule set contains just one rule, setting one point for every processor core (with all other parameters set to match any values).
    3. Click Save to store the updated properties.
  3. From the Applications tab, open the properties of each of the application(s) linked to the license; and use the Licenses tab from the application properties to check either that only this one license is linked to each application, or else that you have dragged this license to the top of the license priorities. Remember to Save any changes you make to the application properties.

    Now, with each nightly reconciliation, all devices reporting installations of the application(s) linked to this special license have their reported available/assigned processor cores tracked (as 1:1 matching points). If there are changes in the number of cores available (on physical machines) or assigned (to virtual machines), this PVU license (as always) tracks the peak value, and when it occurred in the reporting period. As always for PVU licenses, total points are rolled up for each of the IBM regions, based on the location you assign to each device (in the Ownership tab of its device properties).

    When it comes time to report license consumption to IBM, you should take the following approach:
    • If your calculated consumption is below the 1:1 points tier (often, this means below 2500 cores – see the IBM Programs LID terms / Announcement letter to confirm), you may simply archive all your PVU reports (including the special RVU-as-PVU/[RVU MAPC] license). Be prepared to explain to IBM (or an auditor) that this special license (included in your PVU reports) is counting your RVU core points. Remember to archive your PVU reports at the end of each reporting period.
    • If your calculated consumption exceeds the 1:1 points tier (often where consumption is above 2500 cores – see the IBM Programs LID terms / Announcement letter to confirm), you will want to ensure, when reporting your consumption, that you benefit from applying IBM's license tiering to the reported RVU points. In this case, follow the additional steps below.
  4. To apply tiered calculations to your RVU points consumption above 2,500 points:
    1. Create a new IBM RVU license (or if you have previously create one for this purpose, open its properties, and move ahead to step 4.e).
      For a new license:
      • Give it a useful name that reflect both the product being licensed and that this license is purely for "RVU tiers reporting only".
      • Do not link the license to any application, since the only function of this license is to apply tiers to the existing calculated MAPC points. Similarly, there is no need to link any devices to the license. Just having a "shell" of a license with no devices, and no linked application, avoids all risk of confusion. Best practice is to associate your purchases with this license, so that your calculated tiered consumption can be reflected against your entitlement as a reconciled license position.
        Note: When your purchase of RVU entitlements is linked to this secondary, "RVU tiers reporting only" license, the original RVU-as-PVU/[RVU MAPC] license shows consumption with no purchased entitlements, and therefore shows as a license 'At Risk'. You should ignore this 'At Risk' status, knowing that the entitlements are attached to the secondary RVU license, which is reporting accurate RVU MAPC points consumption after the correct tier calculations are applied.
    2. Switch to the Identification tab of this RVU tiers reporting license.
    3. In the Metric drop-down, select Activated Processor Cores.
    4. In the Points rule set control, enter some part of Activated Processor Cores, and click Search. Select the matching row from the results, and click Add points rule set.
      This license is now configured to apply tiers to your RVU MAPC consumption. You may continue with the following at any time to report your RVU MAPC consumption, and in particular, follow these steps on the last day of each reporting period.
    5. Open the license properties for your RVU-as-PVU / [RVU MAPC] license, select the Compliance tab, and copy the total number of points consumed from the Peak consumption since periodStartDate field. Save this in a document for safe-keeping.
    6. Switch to the properties of your "RVU tiers reporting only" license, and select the Identification tab.
    7. In the Resources consumed field, paste the total points previously copied from the Compliance tab of the RVU-as-PVU / [RVU MAPC] license.
    8. Click Save to store your changes in the compliance database.
    9. Wait for the overnight compliance calculations.
    In that next calculation:
    • The RVU-as-PVU / [RVU MAPC] license continues to calculate and report consumption on a 1:1 basis.
    • If your RVU Resources consumed value exceeds 2,500 cores (where the first tier of 1:1 cores to points ends), the secondary RVU license you created for calculation and reporting of tiered license consumption applies the correct tiers from the points table to calculate the tiered RVU MAPC consumption. These tiered calculations explain the difference between the Resources consumed field (your input) and the Compliance tab Consumed entitlements value (the result). For example, suppose your Resources consumed value is 5,600 cores. The first 2,500 cores cost you one point each, and from there up to 10,000 cores cost 0.8 pt each:
      • First tier 2,500 cores x 1 pt = 2,500 pts
      • Second tier (5,600 - 2,500) cores x 0.8 pt = 2480 pts
      • Total points for 5,600 cores = 4,980 pts.
  5. Archive all reports, as described in Reporting to IBM.
    Tip: The second, 'RVU tiers reporting' license can now be left idling until required in the next reporting period.
  6. Make sure that your new reporting period has started as expected, checking in the system menu ( in the top right corner) > System Settings > Licensing tab, under IBM PVU sub-capacity calculation settings.
  7. Set your process management calendar reminder ready for the last day of this reporting period, so that you can repeat the ritual and keep all your archived reports in order.

FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)

2024 R1