Deleting Spreadsheet Inventory Data from the Database
FlexNet Manager Suite
2024 R1
To remove data imported from an inventory spreadsheet, delete its connection.
When any inventory data source is removed from FlexNet Manager Suite, the data
imported exclusively from that source is removed from the database as well.
Tip: Any data imported from multiple sources remains until its last
source is removed. This means that if you want to delete from the
database those inventory records that you imported only from a spreadsheet, you
need only remove the connection to that inventory spreadsheet.
You may want to delete the connection to an inventory spreadsheet for several
possible reasons:
- You made a mistake with some values in a one-time import of an inventory spreadsheet. To correct this, you must first delete the previous connection to that spreadsheet, and then do a new one-off upload of the amended inventory spreadsheet.
- A one-time upload failed in some way, and is now disabled. You must delete this connection to retry.
- You accidentally have multiple connections to one-time inventory spreadsheet imports existing to exist at the same time. All but one of these must be deleted.
- Inventory imported from a one-time spreadsheet import has aged, and you want to remove it from the Out-Of-Date Inventory listing.
- You want to change details about a scheduled import of inventory spreadsheets through an inventory beacon.
You can delete the connections separately for:
- One-time data uploads (for details about one-off uploads, see One-Off Import of an Inventory Spreadsheet). These connections are deleted only in the web interface.
- Scheduled, repeated uploads through an inventory beacon (for more information about these uploads, see Setting Up Scheduled Imports of Inventory from Spreadsheets). Connections established on an inventory beacon must be deleted both in the web interface and separately in the FlexNet Beacon interface.
To delete a connection to an inventory spreadsheet:
FlexNet Manager Suite (On-Premises)
2024 R1