Output Window

AdminStudio 2020 | 19.0 | Automated Application Converter

When a virtualization run is performed, the output messages and results are displayed in the Output Window. There is also additional progress indicators displayed near the Output window:

Output Window

The following information is listed:

Messages—Messages are listed in the Output window
Current file—The name of the current file being processed is listed in the lower left.
Progress bar—A progress bar is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Count—The count of packages in each of the following categories is displayed at the lower right:
W:5—Number of packages that are Waiting to be processed.
R:1—Number of packages that are being Repackaged.
V:0—Number of packages that are being converted or Virtualized into MSI and/or virtual packages.
C:3—Number of applications that have finished processing, including Completed and failed applications.

You can copy the results in the Output window and paste them in an outside location, such as Notepad or Microsoft Word.

All of the messages and results listed in the Output window can also be viewed in the AdminStudio Automated Application Converter Log report. See AdminStudio Automated Application Converter Log Report.